Big Brother Everywhere


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Welcome to the new normal.

"Can't even urinate in his own yard anymore." LOL!

"At watering holes or events where developers and entrepreneurs hang out, the conversation often bounces across the app economy and the “cloud” it relies on, that notion of amorphous servers that handle your storage and processing needs off site. Yet, the cloud is not amorphous. It is composed of companies with real people, servers, and computers, and some of the people are hanging out at bars, and soon they tell you how they access data their users have uploaded."

"Cloud-based services brag about SSL encryption and make you sign in with complex passwords to make you feel secure, but like banks, their employees and data-mining algorithms can access your data stored on their servers to be monetized in some way. That’s the nature of the cloud on the commercial side."

"But the government, which has largely been left behind in this quest for personal data, jumped into the fray with different and most likely less efficient methods. Examples abound. The latest—and most worrisome for international travelers—is Glenn Greenwald’s story about the travails that journalist and filmmaker Laura Poitras experiences every time she returns to the US. Among her documentaries were “My Country, My Country” which was filmed in Iraq and was nominated in 2007 for an Academy Award, and “Oath” which focused on two brothers in Yemen. “Poitras’ intent all along with these two documentaries was to produce a trilogy of War on Terror films,” Greenwald writes. And that got her on a list of Americans who receive special attentions from the Department of Homeland Security."

"Virtually every time during that six-year-period that she has returned to the U.S., her plane has been met by DHS agents who stand at the airplane door or tarmac and inspect the passports of every de-planing passenger until they find her.... Each time, they detain her, and then interrogate her at length about where she went and with whom she met or spoke."

"They also confiscated her electronic devices, including her camera, presumably searched and copied whatever was on them, before returning them often days later. And she wasn’t the only one. During an 18-month period from 2008-2010, more than 6,600 passengers—almost half of them US citizens—had had their electronic devices searched without search warrant, according to the ACLU."

"How far will the government go in trying to extract the last bit of information from its people? At this point, it appears to be lagging behind the commercial sector where big corporations and even startups that come and go obtain information because people hand it to them—eagerly or very unwittingly. And so an insidious and at once funny privacy issue erupted in France, or more precisely in a tiny village in Maine-et-Loire, with worldwide resonance. Read.... Can’t Even Urinate in his own Yard Anymore."
Actually, there are probably more handguns in cars in Houston than any other major city in America. One never leaves home to drive in Houston without the handgun.
It is interesting to understand the population on this board who would comment vociferously about government actions like this back in the W years and now. Does it really matter who is the President with respect to your thoughts on the rights to privacy, etc?

I was for the original patriot act but also was definitely wanting the sunset provision to be in place and put back in place each time the bill/law/act might be successfully put back online. If only Ben Franklin were here today to help us understand if his principles would change given the current climate?(international cel based terrorism)

What is the practical, realist, answer to the big brother needs and the rights for private citizens to be protected from too much big brother? Has it gotten any better since Obama and his group got into office? If so, how? If not, why not?
I wasn't a Bush supporter and I'm not an Obama supporter. I'm a Libertarian at heart, but would obviously support Ron Paul for both his foreign and domestic policies.

I believe that the Patriort Act was a ridiculous piece of legislation perpetrated on the US public to put fear into Americans. So much of the foreign policies implemented in the US over the last 60 years have brought unnecessary challenges to our country all in the name of "spreading democracy" to other nations. Now all those policies have created big govt, fear mongering, stifling policies at home, huge debts, and a country at a major crossroads with the rest of the world.

Do you honestly feel safer with the implementation of all these recent laws passed since 9/11? Why can I not protest our govt. if I don't agree with their policies and what happened to US Constitution and the Amendments? They've been trampled on for decades now by corrupt, greedy and misguided politicians. So yeah, I'm pissed as a US citizen to see my rights being jeopardized in an effort for the govt. to make me "feel safe". I see the country moving more towards a police state analagous to the old Soviet Union. I thought this was America, where our country was formed following the Revolutionary War as the result of an oppressive foreign ruler?
I'm as equally disgusted with the Patriot Act (and it continued renewals rather than sun setting) under Bush as I am at the enactment of the NDAA under Obama.

They are both abominations to the Constitution, and both parties are equally worthy of criticism for their existence. Nobody's morally superior on this matter.
I am asking why aren't people protesting the government now like they were under W? It must be because there are different policies under the current admin, right?
I don't know, that's a good question. Maybe the populace is so shell shocked from the horrible state of the economy that they are not focused on the recently enacted NDAA which has not really received a lot of press form the left-leaning MSM, like the Patriot Act did during the Bush Administration.

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