BHO v. HRC: 'Colossal Rout' Brewing in VA and MD

The Obama "mo" may be too much for Hillary to overcome. Look at the latest poll for Wisconsin to see how much momentum means. Voters inherently want to side with a winner.
That's partially atleast due to mail-in ballots that Hillary had a big advantage in. In CA there were 2 million mail-in votes, most/all of which were cast before Obama made his surge here. The actual polling day votes were pretty evenly split between Obama and Hillary.
Seeing as Obama handily won neighboring state Iowa and his home state of Illinois, I expect him to do the same in Wisconsin, another neighboring state.

This is gonna get ugly for Hillary before she gets to Ohio and Texas.

As an Obama supporter, I love it. She deserves it after the crap she and Bill pulled in S.C.
After polls predicted Obama would crush Hillary in New Hampshire and even California I've learned to be skeptical and just wait a few more hours for legitimate returns to start coming in.
First off, there was no exit polling for either NH or Cali saying Obama would roll. In fact, the polling was fairly accurate.

In California, HRC won primarily due to 2 MILLION early votes, cast long before Obama's mojo kicked in.

In NH, if you look at the polling, he did as predicted, around 36-38%. The difference was all the late deciders breaking her and John Edwards way.
I'm talking about the Super Tuesday exit polls that had him up in Mass, Arizona, NJ, etc. p.

That being said, he is still going to win tonight and probably by a lot.
The big lie is that dirty campaigning always works. Unfortunately, the tremendous loss of support the Clintons faced in South Carolina will be forgotten, but it was directly the result of the Clintons playing dirty.

Hope, my friends, hope for a better way to do this.

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