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1. A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.
2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.

Only our do nothing congress (Libs words) is preventing him from this. But everyday he is doing things to by pass what our founding fathers put in place to prevent this from happening. This definition is starting to creep in more and more as BHO rules our land. A Tyranny is a man who can rule without any consquences. Normally it's the media that calls out someone that abuses his power, but our mainstream media is his protector.

You cult followers of him will whine about this because you either don't agree due to being blind or you want this to happen because in your mind he is the chosen one.
I don't know which is greater: your paranoia, your delusions, or your ignorance.

You are a sorry excuse for an American citizen.
How fortunate is the USA that this is the FIRST time the executive branch has ever clashed with the judicial branch. I wonder what the Solicitor General ever did before the Obamacare case? I'm sure glad that no sitting President before Obama ever confronted the USSC.

I35- You need to take a break from the right-extremist media. No different than their counterparts on the left, they skew a worldview with half-truths then sit back and reap the profits from advertising revenue.

The most negative outcome from the advent of the internet is the polarization of the political spectrum. The fact that a consumer can get news tailored to their worldview has dumbed down rather than educated the most ardent follower of politics.
Challenging their authority? Did I miss Obama claiming the executive branch would disregard their ruling? Get a grip, man. Our forefathers setup our 3 branches of government to be checks and balances against each other. Our history is filled with examples of each branch fighting with the other. Let each branch do its job without feeling like YOU know who is in the right.
"Tranny" -- That's about as close to reality as the thread starter. Obama has basically given us a continuation of the Bush tax plan and been a smaller threat to gun ownership Reagan. Obama's failure is that he's accomplished so little, not that he's imposed "Tyranny." Johnson, Nixon, Clinton ... presidents who understood power and how to use it would have completely scared the crap out of I35.
The Senate was in recess but was creating a ******** pro-forma session simply for the purposes of denying a President power for recess appointment that every president save Bush and Obama have used. Bush thought about it but didn't challenge the Senate. Obama did challenge the Senate's efforts to expand its Constitutional power beyond what the founders envisioned and it cost him some political capital.

Comparing that to say Jackson's expulsion of Native Americans to Indian Territory or the expansion of Presidential power under FDR is like comparing a fistfight between two drunks to the Battle of Gettysburg.
I'd be upset too if the most conservative person my party was willing to nominate was Mitt Romney-especially after all the promise the Tea Party showed in D.C, I thought America would have Tea Party fever and nominate a real ball buster. Instead they choose the guy who makes John Kerry look like a pillar of strength and principles.
I35 -- You are just screwing with people, right?

If not, you can find plenty to read about the "imperial presidency" which, while hardly tyranny, loosely descsribes the continued aggregation of powers in the executive branch since FDR (or perhaps even TR). This president is neither an exception nor an outlier.

In any event, I suggest spending a month only watching or reading about sports to cleanse your brain.
Tyranny is more like when the president is running a burglary ring from the white house basement or violating his own arms embargo to try, unsuccessfully, to trade arms for hostages and then using the illegally earned funds to finance a war that is illegal and in violation of a law he personally signed and then having his vice president succeed him and pardon all his cabinet officials who got convicted of lying under oath to congress. Ring any bells?

I have never and will never vote for Obama but the paranoia on the right about the guy comes close to surpassing their illness over Kennedy, whom they also called a commie and accused of treason.
Sanctorum was spouting some "tyranny" idiocy a week or so ago, about how the health care bill was tyranny and the end of freedom.

Just stupid.

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