Best/Worst States for Business


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"Wisconsin and Louisanna posted the two biggest gains since 2010, with the latter, along with Oklahoma also showing the biggest gains over the last five years. By proactively reshaping its posture toward business taxation and regulation, Louisanna has been quietly stealing pages from the TEXAS playbook.

By contrast, Illnois has dropped 40 places in five years and is now in a death spiral. Its bond ranking 49th, ahead of only California. The state may play host to fugitive state senatros from nearby Wisconsin and Indiana who avoid voteing in their legislatures, but businesses are heading for the exits...

Not surprisingly, states with punitive and regulatory regimes are punished with lower rankings, and this can offset even positive scores on quality of living environment. While state incentives are always welcome, what CEOs often seek are areas with consistent policies and regulations that allow them to plan, as well as tangible factors such as a state's overall attitude toward business and the work ethic of its population..."

The bottom six states for business are: Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, Illinois, New York and California. What do these states have in common?
interesting about Illinois especially here in Houston where there has been lots of talk of the Continental jobs leaving town for Chicago. Quietly they are starting to shift a lot of things down to Houston from Chicago but I'm sure the HQ will remain in Chicago.
Give YuLaDu a break... at least she tried. The Top 6 states all voted Red in 2004 and the bottom 6 all voted Blue. In 2008, FL, IA, and NC switched and voted for Obama as well as the bottom 6.
I think you're confusing favorable environments for business (tax levels) with favorable places where businesses choose to reside.

Let me tell you- Wall Street and Silicon Valley ain't relocating to Charlotte and Baton Rouge.

If you compared US states to some European countries, with these similar standards, you could have a fake chuckle about that as well- but regardless of your misunderstanding, the capital and human wealth are never relocating.

I am from San Antonio originally- and love my city. I also acknowledge it is a place that tons of jobs have moved to from other states- like, Toyota, AT&T (until they returned to Dallas), USAA and hundreds of call centers. Those jobs pay $14/hour or so. Great, Congratulations. One guy making $400,000 in Manhattan makes up for 8 guys in San Antonio.

I'm trying to get my wife to relocate from the NorthEast to Texas- her biggest issue, and she has a point- there are not many high paying professional jobs here- not that pay on the same levels as the jobs here in the NEast. I am selling her on quality of life etc- and this is a work in progress for me.
Just because you can find something in common with those 5 states doesn't mean that commonality is the cause of said effect.

I will concede that it is your opinion that there is a cause and effect here, but you really haven't laid out much of a case. Further, from your post and your responses, it appears you are not inclined to believe that there could be additional factors involved.

Naw, it's Just the whole "Blue state" thing.

Since we are on the topic, name the top 5 states with the worst public education? Name the top 5 states with the worst poverty? Name the top 5 states that take the most federal dollars? Name the top 5 states with the least healthy populous.

I would bet that they are close to if not all "Red States". Are you ready to agree that people who are dumb, poor, welfared, and fat are a result of GOP policies?

I don't believe that to be true, but i wondering if you are consistent in your thinking?
Wow... you must really be stupid if you can't see the coorelation of the voting for Repubs in the best states and Dems in the worse states for business.
Boeing's decision to move its headquarters to Dallas or Chicago should have been a slam dunk for Dallas. Chicago won. Why?
Because Boeing's CEO wanted to go to Chicago to be on the lake.

Right to work states versus forced union states. Low tax states versus high tax states.

This is not magic powder, voodoo, crystal balls, or reading tea leaves. It's basic, easily identifiable trends that have been in play for at least decades now-- and may be accelerating as it's easier and easier to pack up and vote with your feet than it ever was in the past.
We're #1!!

I know Perry, isn't the greatest, but whatever he's been doing(or not doing) has helped keep TX afloat. And, yes, we have some real budget problems, but we could be Illinois...begging people to buy bonds.

And, that's the bottom line!!

Oh, and I think the answer to the question, is that all those states, have powerful liberal enclaves. So, powerful, they screw up the rest of the state.
Obviously you have to look at the methodology of the ranking system. My guess is that Louisiana's rise is simply due to the recent hundreds of millions of dollars in katrina relief funds that are now being spent. I doubt that particular state is sustainable in the rankings.

I dont necessarily agree that this is a dem versus repub deal as much as it is a union versus non-union deal. All 6 of those states are heavily unionized and all of them have strong unions in manufacturing and construction. Those types of jobs have been the backbone of our country and economy and not only are some of them going overseas but the ones that are not are fleeing union environments to non-union ones like Texas and Oklahoma.

I'll just give one example and use welders. A welder in Texas/Oklahoma will make anywhere from $15/hr to $24/hr for specialty skilled guys. On the top end thats a salary of approximately $50 K/yr in salary.

In most cases the benefits associated with employees averages about 30%. So if we take the middle wage of $20/hr and apply a 30% add it is an affective wage for the employer of $26/hr. Union welders in Cali, New York, Illinois etc make about $80/hr. I guarantee you that the welders in those places are not even as skilled as the ones in Texas and Oklahoma because they don't have to be. Yet they get paid almost 4 times as much!!! It is lunacy. No one would try and start a manufacturing or fabrication business in a union state right now. And any executive that suggested moving a division to one of these states would be fired on the spot.
GT, I never said that TX does not have it's own problems, with budgets. Every state is having problems right now. But TX has a severe headache, compared to the cancer eating away at some other states.
I live in one of the bluest of blue states, Illinois.

If you cant see that over the next couple of decades at least, you have to be a seller of the bloated government union hog blue states and a buyer of sunbelt right to work states then I have to conclude that you suck at math, among other things.

People who think death spirals like what you are seeing in Detroit and Cleveland are some kind of anomaly arent paying attention.

Attack the CEOs as self interested pricks if you want but they are the ones who make decisions like moving to more fertile fields and they bring jobs.
with the amount of illegals sucking us like vampires, Texas is doing pretty damn well. I would be most states would like to switch balance sheets.
Boeing's decision to move its headquarters to Dallas or Chicago should have been a slam dunk for Dallas. Chicago won. Why?

Boeing was offered a sweetheart "Chicago deal" and the best tax breaks. It's just the corporate headquarters, they don't make the planes there. It was also 10 years ago. They might do it differently today.
This is what I love about the US. We have 50 idea laboratories which we can use to test policies. Businesses and jobs are fleeing the blue states and relocating to red states. High taxation and regulations is a great recipe to stagnate your economy and block job creation. It should be fairly obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense. And if its not, well then just refer to our 50 idea laboratories.

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