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BEST SEATS in the house.


5,000+ Posts
Sec 5, Row 2, seats 10 & 11. If your not familiar with the stadium these two tickets are right behind the horns bench 45 yardline second row. Some here will never get a chance to go to a game that close to the action in the best seats in the house. I have offered them to 5 of my friends yesterday and 3 can't make it. I haven't heard from the other two yet and going to send them an email at lunch telling them it's too late if I haven't heard from them yet. The cost are $200 a piece. Also they both have seat backs already in place.

These two spots are my season tickets I have had for 10 years and I love where I sit. But I just got offered from my friends 2nd row 50 yardline tickets. So I will be just a few seats over. I will only accept cash and we will have to meet before the game because I won't have enough time to send them by mail. E-mail me and I will take the first that want them and even if your the second I will get your number in case I get stood up by the first. I could have gone to EBay and sold them for a lot more but decided I will give my friends here a first shot.

I can't stress enough how incredible these seats are.

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