best Prime Rib in Austin??


500+ Posts
I REALLY like prime rib. It might be one of my favorite things in the world. Having said that, where is the best place in town for one?
Houston's on Anderson Lane is very good.

The smoked prime rib at the County Line ain't bad either
but then you have to put up with their sides...
My wife ordered the smoked prime rib at Saltlick 360 once. It was very good. That said, I don't think this (smoked) is what you're looking for.

Houston's is all I know also. But don't steakhouses (Sullivan's, Ruths Chris, etc.) usually have it? Although normally you have to go early as they run out.
There used to be a place called Grady's near the Home Depot at 183 and 360. They had a Prime Rib sandwich with fries for $8.95. I still drool when I think about going there for lunch.

Prime rib with that sour cream/horseradish sauce and a cold beer is as good as it gets.
Grady's had a badass chicken fried Rib Eye too.

I know that has nothing to do with Prime Rib, but I just felt like throwing that out there.

I'd go with Houston's
you have to remember that each Trulucks has its own executive chef and managing partner so for whatever reason, there is no prime rib at trulucks austin nor has there ever been.

-ON another note, I tried the prime rib at cool river yesterday. Before you laugh, note that cool river was started by the same family who owns III Forks and a lot of their food is identical. Anyway, they have a garlic rubbed prime rib. It was ok, but had a little too much garlic. It was somewhat overpowering. Not to mention I like a little horseraddish for my au juis and they didn't have any. I guess its still Houstons.