Best place to watch the sun set in Austin?

Pab - I'm ashamed to admit that I grew up in austin, and have never been on the cliffs above the lake on 360. Am I correct in assuming that the proper place to go up them is the eastbound side, caddy-corner to the golf course? Just there on your right as you're headed towards Westlake?

The girl will be here this weekend, and we may have to go out there, if the rain would go away.
There's this private park on Lake Travis that I've seen some awesome ones.

But that was probably a combination of the company, the drunkeness, and the knowledge that as soon as the sun went down, so was she...

Captain: Yeah, that't right. You can park your car on the side of the road and climb up along the side.

There will probably be a bunch of kids up there drinking and just hanging out (ahh the memories), but I think they are cracking down on that since everyone pretty much left all their garbage up there.
Try watching it from the pedestrian bridge over Town Lake. Or, if you're game for this and have nothing else to do, allow me to clue you in on the hippest sunset tip in town:

Go to UT campus and go into the Fine Arts Library - it's next to the stadium, by Bates Recital Hall. Go to the Fourth Floor. The 4th floor is a flying balcony that looks out through a series of enormous windows towards the West and the whole of UT campus. Sunsets here are really something to see, and if you bring a honey, you can request a private study room and go knock the boots afterwards (if you're into that kind of thing) - night time library staff is at a minimum (I used to work there) just make sure and be very quiet.

20 years ago, I was a waiter at The Oasis out on Lake Travis. The sun literally set into the water every night. The sunsets were awesome. It did not set the same way twice. Each time was a little bit different.