best non ACL related shows coming to Austin?

Hell, I didn't know that was where stellstarr was playing, but my girlfriend and I bailed out of Tambaleo because it was too crowded and went over to the Back Stage to get a drink. It was closed because of that Camel Speakeasy Tour, but the guy stamped us for free to get in and it was like a really kickass circus. The burlesque shows and Brazilian capoiera shows were bad *** and it's hard to beat free smokes and cheap beer. Didn't get there until late and missed stellastarr though.
this should be cool :

Red River Rock Out =The Link
more shows!
rockland eagles @ TXRD (The Thunderdome - 619 Tillery Street) 10.24.04
chevelle @ austin music hall 10.27.04
burden brothers @ la zona rosa 10.30.04
coheed and cambria @ stubb's 11.12.04
yellowcard @ austin music hall 11.18.04
sondre lerche @ the parish 11.19.04
the faint w/ tv on the radio @ la zona rosa 11.20.04
the title of the thread says "best" shows Crayon

I'll definitely be at The Faint/TV on the Radio show, most likely Sondre Lerche as well

I just bought the new Faint album. It's ok.
unfortunately, i will be in Houston for the Masters Cup that weekend of November (18th-21st).
i saw Sondre Lerche open for Nada Surf last year, Emo's inside, that was a great show.
Sahara Hotnights put on a great show last night, rockin' stuff

the opening band, a local band called the Amazing Letdowns was pretty impressive too, i had never heard of 'em before
The Morrissey show was moved from 10/30 to Friday 10/29

this will enable me to see Death Cab and Pretty Girls Make Graves on Saturday and the Moz on Friday. That's a hell of a weekend.