Best hotels in Austin?

I've never stayed at the Driskill, but I've got to believe that's the place to go. As far as places I've actually stayed downtown, the Omni was pretty severely overpriced for what I got (at tiny room for $250/night) and the Radisson is a **** hole that should be avoided at all costs. The place I liked the best was the Double Tree at 290 and I-35.
The Hilton is great for the price. Very nice staff and overall nice location.

Maybe not the best hotel downtown, but never had a problem there.
thanks for the feedback. I'm just meeting some old friends to hang out for a few days. we're looking downtown only for the purpose of being able to walk to where we're drinking, etc.
Since you aren't trying to impress a chick with the highest price most luxurious accomodations available......I suggest the Interncontinental - Stephen F. Austin. You can usually get a much better rate there than the Driskill or Four Seasons.
and if that's the case, don't call the hotel and book.......get on priceline and do the "name your price" deal for downtown austin, but first google priceline austin hotel list and it should show up on a forum FULL of advice of which i can't currently recall the name. i think you can get sfa intercontinental for much less than half the rack rate.
its called betterbidding CE. frankly, im uncertain why anyone still books anywhere else but priceline (unless they want to book a specific hotel or the driskill/four seasons). ive booked at the sfa, hilton and the omni and have NEVER paid over $100/night. the hilton and omni are often under $70.
if I do the bidding process, it looks like the SFA would be the best option, but I'm not sure how I get it and not the Hilton or Omni. I think those are the only 4* hotels on those bid sites.
the hyatt is another option for the 4*. theres no way to project whether or not you can get the sfa on priceline, just luck of the draw.
bularry, fwiw i just reserved 3 nights on priceline for next weekend and got the SFA. $100/night

thats more than i normally pay but with graduation coming up i bet that is bumping prices.
We enjoyed our trip to Austin staying at the Omni. Got it through priceline for under $70. I really liked the lobby area...pretty cool. The rooms were decent, nothing spectacular.