Best Head Shop

You are in Austin now? If you want head, try one of those massage places along the Interstate, I guess. Don't know for sure. But if you are looking for tobacco accessories, I would think either Planet K (one on Riverside Dr.) or the place next to Texadelphia, where Technophilia music store was located. Don't know the name. Hope that helps.
I will be in Austin Nov 7-9. Yes, "tobacco accesories" are what I am in the market for. Though these places by the Interstate sound interesting as well.
Planet K has several locations in Austin but the one I can think of near campus is the one I mention that is next to Texadelphia. It is about 5 shops or so north of Tower Records. Don't go in Tower, btw. Go to somewhere local. Don't even be tempted. I will trip you if you do.
Without a doubt the Glassy Knoll on south 1st and it's not even close. They blow just about all their stuff in the store great prices, thick glass, bad *** colors and designs. I have 5 pieces from there just gotta new one last weekend. I also so Major in there one day last that was pretty cool.

2102, that is a lie and you know it. I am Major and I have never been in there.
i've heard that planet k ******* sucks balls! its horrible; either glassy or ote willies?, either location will suffice. quality shtuff.
I agree about planet K, unless your looking for a cheap *** glass piece or a nice tasty metal pipe with a skull on it dont go there... Besides that, they've got huge dildos in the case right next to the pipes, you dont wanna go in there stoned and pick out the wrong one. Glassy Knoll is for the connoisseurs on the list.
And if youre ever in amsterdam...