Best / Cheapest Video Editing SW for PC?


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Just got a new camcorder and I'm looking for advice on the best and/or cheapest movie editing software for a PC. I know there are some good professional suites out there, but I'm really just looking for something to edit, assemble, and distribute (DVD or BluRay) my home videos of my family to the grandparents and such.

I'd like to keep it under $100, and would love to hear if there are any less expensive options than that, like $50 or less? If everything that cheap is total crap, then I won't bother, but if there is some hidden gem I'd love to find it.

I've used Windows Movie Maker before and it was pretty clunky, so I'm looking for something better but still not professional-grade in cost.

Thanks in advance!
I've done a lot of research in this area lately. Adobe Premiere Elements 8 seems to be the best option. I haven't purchased it yet, but it's what I'm going to use to edit some old VHS tapes.

I think it runs $99, but you can probably find Version 6 or 7 for a lower price, and it would still give you the same general feel.
Thanks for the response, Adobe was one that came up in my research as well.

I found a free one online called "Wax" and have played with it a tiny bit. It seems to be a bit better than Windows Movie Maker, but still not that great. Or at least, not without a lot more practice.
Yes, Avidemux is probably the best open source editor available. But it takes some practice and familiarity to get the most from it.
No real complaints with Premiere Elements (I have version 7).

The XP version of WIndows Movie Maker was fairly decent. The new version - Windows Live Movie Maker - is TERRIBLE.
I have used Pinnacle Studio to do a fair amount of editing. There was a bit of a learning curve, but after that, everything's easy.

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