Benson charges dropped

And I'm sure apologies are forthcoming from the people in the media who jumped all over him when this first went down.

As Raymond Donovan said after being acquitted of larceny and fraud, "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?"

Yep bd...two separate grand for each set of charges, denied indictment.

"no bill"

That means that there was no (as in none at all) credible evidence that he was guilty on any of the charges. No BAC. No witnesses. No cops willing to put their reputation on the line for their actions. None.

I hope that he files charges against the LCRA and their stooges who assaulted him on the lake.
If everyone on this board who dumped Ced would start eating crow it would be a 100 page thread.

Personally, I just decided to wait and see what happened, well Ced is innocent.
Man it is unreal how people can't wait to jump on someone when they are first accused.
I hope every holier-than-thou poster who slammed this guy without knowing the facts is feeling really good about themselves about now.
No he didn't. And if he did, that's the Bears misunderstanding of the legal system. Just because you are arrested does not mean you are guilty.
I am glad to see Cedric Benson will most likely have another chance to show what is he is made of in the NFL. Nobody wins by destroying the young man's career.

I do hope he is a bit more careful in the future. He dodged a bullet here, hopefully he takes advantage of it.

Here is to Mr Benson finding a team and showing his skillz on the field.
I'm happy, but shocked really. I figured they'd convict him of one of them because every juror likely heard of both charges. Good for Ced if he was innocent.
amazing how peeps are quick to post about the negatives...

I think Ced will learn from this and I hope for good things to come from him soon...
I always thought the first charge was probably bogus, just because his mother was there, and how wild could it be? Had no guess about the second one.

Cedric's football trajectory was already kind of downward. Maybe this whole situation will shock him into some passion that restarts a great career. Hope so.
A celebrity is guilty until proven innocent, due to the massive publicity they receive in an incident like this. There is no way for them to clear their name, really.
Those boat cops seem to be out of line, arresting everyone on a boat if you won't admit who was driving it to a location, stuff like that. I don't like what I read about their busts.
Ced was already on his way out in Chicago, he wasn't gonna start and these incidents cost him a spot on the roster. Maybe in the end being cut was better if he gets picked up by a team and given opportunities to carry the ball. Hopefully it will cause him to re-evaluate his career priorities.
Very surprising since as the old saying goes, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.

Not enough evidence was presented to the grand jury to even take it to trial???? hmmmmmmm
If this was a simple case of "getting fired" because he acted "unprofessionally", then he would have been picked up by another team by now. "Unprofessional activities" never stopped Jerry jones.
I am done with the Cedric as victim deal.

He was on probation with the Bears and got arrested twice in a month. That is more than most people get arrested in a lifetime.

Plus, he just isnt a very good football player in the NFL. I dont want that to be true but it is.