Been doin some Ag thankin


100+ Posts
Yep, me and some a my good ol Ag pals was a drankin the Cherry Colas and snackin on the Cheetos last nite (Snuck a few Zimas in there too), and watchin a National Geograffick Special on all the differnt breeds a sheep over in Yourup (And dontcha know theres some dandy ones - we plannin a trip there next Sprang Brake).

Well one thang leads to another thang and we begun to talk about this upcomin football season and how it conglommerates with last years football season and how us Ags fill about our prospecks this year.

As its been so well dockumented and discussed over on Texags, you folks dident really beat us all that bad last year as you thank you did a lookin threw them orange tinted bevo-bi-fokal eyeglasses.
You see, sips, if you throw out that lucky third qwarter it was a pretty even ball game. You folks really only beat us 16-7 and Simms dident throw no touchdown passes neither. Then to get really tecknikal, if you dont count the two touchdown swang caused by Mark Farrises turnovers, we beat you folks on your home field! Why cain't you sips get that threw your heads?

As we was discussin this and that and what not, we went on to lookin at that Noter Dame game. Hell, if you throw out that lucky forth qwarter them Cathlick folk only beat us 14-10 and if you give us credit for that TD pass that Taylor dropped we really beat them 17-14 right there in front of Touchdown Jesus and the Pope!

And if it wernt for winless Coloradoes lucky first qwarter we goat slapped them fools 19-17.
And if OU dident have that lucky forth qwarter we beat them 24-13. And if you dont count that third qwarter against Missippy State we'd a beat them 35-28.

After all that discussion about all them lucky qwarters folks had on us last year us Ags is fillin pretty good about our prospecks this year. I mean how many lucky qwarters can a team expeck to get abused by in a two year span?

Then, my Ag buddies went home and I got to thankin how OU really lost 7-5 to Oklahoma State if you dont count that lucky first qwarter and they really lost 14-7 to Nubraska if you dont count that lucky second qwarter and they really dident win no Championship and it kinda throwed a monky plyers at me and my plans on us winnin the National Championship due to how we was 7-5 and lossed the Weedaeater Bowl to a team from Missippy just like OU done to perpair for their NC run...

...and now Ime more cunfuzed than the time I woked up neckid in Farmer Jones sheep pasture with nuttin on but my knee high brown patent leather boots and a Chewy Chewbacka mask.

Didn't Spider's posts used to seem like they were an exageration of Aggieland. Well it is getting scarry how close they are to reality.

Too funny. TTT
Good logic Spidey. I hadn't realized just how good y'all were last year.

Lookin' forward to this year's Noter Dame pome. Curious about how you're gonna rhyme "Pope" without "fullback on dope."
I think you're onto somethin' Spidey.

I feel bad for Spidey...none of his Ag brethren ever stand by him and reply to his posts.
Man, that is some funny stuff. SpideyAg sure does come up with some original stuff. As long as we are stereotyping maybe spidey can do a UT post. How about something along the lines of an arrogant homosexual talking about all that texas potential and how this year will be different from the last twenty because, well, er, were texas and your not. I'll give it a try...

"This year our super studs are definitely going to show that we are 49 points improved over those kinky sooners and that we will beat those insensitive Aggies at Kyle because Mack did the right thing and decided to start that beautiful man child Chrissy. Sure he throws some interceptions but did you see those dropped balls against Oregon? I can't wait to watch us "dominate" everyone from my favorite bars on 4th street."
I didn't thank their wuz a aggie in this whirled that I liked until Spider caim along. spider, your my budd!

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