BBQ in Austin or Dallas


250+ Posts
I have been craving a good brisket... anyone have any suggestions?

I've been to Salt Grass, and I love it, but it's a long drive. I'm headed back to dallas for a couple of weeks, and would be interested in suggestions there, too.
There is nothing in Dallas to compare to Central Texas' best BBQ. The closest would be Baker's Ribs on Greenville or Angelo's if you want to go to Ft. Worth. There is a place in the midcities that is only open on weekends that kicks a little ***, but the name escapes me at the moment. My advice, stop by your favorite Cen-Tex joint, pick up a shitload of meat and bring it to Dallas with you. Seriously, living in Dallas is seriously depressing for a BBQ afficianado. Off the top of my head, I can think of about 10 places in Austin that have better Q than anything Dallas has to offer.

Oh, and I hope you meant Salt Lick. I've been to a Salt Grass steakhouse, and while affordable, it was nothing to write home about. I akso don't reeall them serving brisket.
Sammy's is really, really good.

Check out the original Sonny Bryan's on Inwood & Harry Hines.

There's a place in Highland Park on Hillcrest & Northwest Highway that is kick ***. Can't think of the name . . . . . Holy Smokes (thanks guidelive).
Try Big Daddy's BBQ in a little strip center up off 183 past Duval.

Great stuff! (note this is NOT Bone's Daddy's which is really close to Big Daddy's)