Baylor losses


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in their three losses, Baylor got beat by having Riley rain shots from BTA on them. by both Nebraska and Mizzouri hitting from BTA and working inside the paint and taking advantage of Baylor TOs.

Of course, having Jones back will help eliminate some of those TOs as she brings the ball up a lot if the A&M game is any indicator. She will tie up one defender, making it difficult for Texas to double or triple Griner as other league teams have done.

Passing can still get Griner out of position to block shots inside, especially with her propensity to try to block any shot in the paint. Horns can score inside but they have to be aware of Griner's ability to block shots from behind. Putting the ball up near their heads to get the shot off will likely result in Griner getting a block. They will need to extend their arms in front to force Griner to miss or commit a foul. Being able to hit shots from the perimeter will put pressure on Baylor and ease the need to go inside but Texas needs to keep going inside when the opening is there. They need to get to the FT and convert at their usual 68-70 per cent.

What can't happen is for Ashley and Cokie to get so involved in blocking Griner that they get into foul trouble. They need to be on the floor to create problems for Baylor defensively. If they can match up with Griner basically one on one with double help from others at random times, Horns should have a good chance to shut down the other Lady Bear players.

Of course,the problem is that the Horns D has not been as good as anticipated to date in league play.

Ah, well, just free associating, thinking about the game.
Would be a great game to at least TRY to play AG and Cokie on the court at the same high, one low.

But YES, they both must stay out of foul trouble. No reason to even try to block a Griner shot...just keep her out of her range of the basket.

The Horns' D surely hasn't been effective so far. But we all know that defense is one of Coach G's favorite aspects of the game. I'm sure the team has been working on that this week!!! I'm interested to see what level of intensity the Horns bring.

C'mon must protect the home court!!

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