Baylor Game on Right now

I don't know why anyone is bothering to watch this game. I knew it was going to be a&m redux since that game. It looks like a bunch of walk-ons on the floor for us.
Johnson is getting abused by Big Ugly (Diene). I'm sorry but if Augustin can't learn to make a pass into the low pass, he's headed straight to Israel to join P.J. This assumes the post could actually put the ball in the hoop if DJ made the pass.
Their coach was livid after a no-call. Someone drove right into Connnor who had his hands up. T'd up the coach
I'm really bummed that we are struggling so much. Home games are supposed to be easier than this.
Barnes not starting James seems to have an influence on his play? Baylor is a very good team, they beat the Aggies in College Station, something UT has not done in 4 years.
Sounds like our team has a little more fight in them in the second half. Atchley, James, Abrams, and Johnson all have double digit scores. Hopefully this is a sign that the team has found their groove again.
Johnson played much better on both ends. If his shots and FTs start falling he will be a force. Seems like he has a pretty decent stroke.
Final: Texas 80, Baylor 72

Texas/Baylor games have been quite exciting over the past few seasons.

Per ESPN Plus: this is Rick Barnes's 21st consecutive win against Baylor.
After the first 5 minutes I thought this was going to be a really bad game. Nice work down the stretch of the 2nd half (and the last few minutes of the first for that matter)

Hook 'em
Well, thank God. The last update I got was that we were down 11 in the first half. I'll admit...I was scared when I got home to check the final.

I won't be looking forward to the 2nd leg of this series, though.
Good game against Baylor. They’re a good team, and we can definitely take some pride in beating them.

Our recent woes can be divided into things that can be improved and things you can’t do anything about. I don’t know that Rick can do much about the lack of a consistent inside presence at both ends of the court or the erratic play of Abrams and Atchley. We’re also overloaded with “projects” and there is an injury situation that may or may not be a problem in terms of talent, but is certainly a problem in terms of depth.

There is also the inexplicable phenomenon of the other team just not missing when they play us. Sure, you could say that better defense would help, but realistically, when the other guy is shooting 76% you’re gonna have a hard time. We were the ones doing it against UCLA and Tennessee, but it’s been awhile. Meanwhile, it just seems in recent games that the Force has been with the other guy.

What we can do something about is free throw shooting, perimeter defense, and focus-type mistakes.

Bottom line, we have a good but not great team in a league loaded with good but not great teams. Therefore, every game is a tossup. What we need to get separation from the rest of the league, pace KU and aggy, is for Dex and Johnson to step up and James to adopt more of a scorer’s mentality. Atch and AJ can be solid contributors, but I don’t see either one of them as bell cows or even dependable as long as they continue to play peekaboo.

All things considered, I think we’re probably a four and maybe a three, with a decent shot to get to the Sweet 16.
Colorado's record is not good, but they can be tough at home. They beat us at their house, should have beat Missouri, and gave Kansas a really good run for about 3/4 of that game.

the point get road wins in this conference, you take em.
this thread starts out ******. today we saw some great things from this team. GJ's lightbulb starting to turn on. RB's continued emphasis on building depth. damion's response to being benched. mason's building confidence.

If some of you guys aren't aware, the hangover from bliss is long gone. drew is quietly putting together what could become the 2nd best (year in-year out) team in the b12 south (if he stays). they have as good of a rotation of guads as any one in the country. no shame in being down early to a hot shooting BU team.

I am particularly excited about RB's willingness to give the young bigs more time, although I am just now realizing that Lexi didn't play much today, if at all. but dex started and chapman got minutes. this bodes well for us in march if they can keep it up.

we also saw flashes of the sharp offense we saw early in the year. good game today!!

Weekly Prediction Contest

* Predict TEXAS-ULM *
Sat, Sep 21 • 7:00 PM on ESPN+/SECN+
