Barack + GOP = ‘Obamacans’

I'm sure that many Republicans like his persona and his general message of inclusion...

It IS a good message and he is a fantastic messenger...perhaps as good as WJC...

However, if they were to look at his POLICIES, they might change their mind...up until now, it has been all about the person...the details of their policies have not been up front and center...

In the general election, they WILL be...

His policies do not align with very many Republican goals...
As far as not knowing his policies, if you are talking about an ordinary republican, maybe. Do you really think that a person like Susan Eisenhower didn't pay attention to his policies. When we are talking about republicans who are/were actively in the political arena, to say that they are supporting Obama without paying attention to his policies is beyond stupid. They probably already know more about his policies that you will ever do.
She is the daughter of a former President. That does not mean she is politically astute...

She may be following the things I pointed out above...

But, I don't I won't ascribe that to her....
Sorry Ag, I don't think you are giving these people enough credit. I'm pretty sure Susan E knows what the hell she's talking about.

(Says this R who is strongly considering Obama in November.)
The Republicans seem pretty disenchante with their own candidate right now which makes it all the more likely that they'd cross over to vote for Obama.
Obama is great for the Republican party. He will make Iraq (the issue that the GOP will be crucified on in November).

He will also be a gigantic disappointment for Democrats ("change" is not a policy), and whatever he does get through Congress will righteously piss the Republicans off. If the GOP learns from 2008 (namely, from the one candidate who espouses its principles without making himself hateful to moderate voters), they will mercilessly crush Obama's re-election bid in 2012.
What I am saying is that while he is liberal, Obama's leadership and message has intangible benefits such as great PR for America in the world, a step forward in race relations in this country, getting young people and others who are otherwise not interested in politics thinking about the issues, changing political discourse, etc.

His domestic polices obviously make me really nervous. I think he talks big game about leaving Iraq but it's nuanced on purpose because he knows we can't really leave. (And yes, you can look at this cynically and say he's guilty of doing the very things he's talking about changing, not saying what you mean, etc.)

But all in all, he's a mainstream politician - he's not a socialist, he's a coalition builder, and he's a realist (his health care plan is an example.)

All that said, I do like McCain as well.
Mr. W, I know you are big Hillary supporter, but it does look like Obama has the inside track to nomination now. We will know more after this Tuesday. If he wins this Tuesday big also, only way Hillary can stay with him is by having her own big wins in Ohio and Texas. I do not think she could do that.

If you are hoping for super delegates to push Hillary over, I don't think that's going to happen. They are going to go with Obama if he has a marked advantage in pledged delegates, especially as he is seem as a stronger candidate against McCain.

I don't know how you lean, but let me put it this way, if you are strongly partisan his message doesn't matter. You are going to vote republican anyway. The questions is how you respond, if you are in the middle. Then there are 2 questions (1) do you believe that he really wants change and wants to work towards compromise solutions? (2) do you believe that it is possible to do so?

IMO, most of us in the middle believe that it is possible and do want someone to try. So it comes to question (1), do you believe the guy. Personally I do.
Yeah, I don't get the right-wing love for Obama.

I like him as a person and think he'd bring some much needed change, but I don't agree with most of his positions and I'm more moderate than most these other people. Still rather have him rather than HRC if a Democrat's going to win.
I am actually voting McCain, but feel Hillary will be nominated on the Dem side.

Both Hill and Obama are asshats, IMO.

They are going to be close, bicker more, the public will get more tired of this.

If we have a Dem win the race, they will have complete power within the House and Congress.

We saw what absolute power does under the W admin. It was a nightmare, we will be recovering from his actions for years.

I do not want this anymore. I want someone who is balanced and will work, no more division.

Yes we can.

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