Baker still being Baker

NFL GM’s have rough choice with him, million dollar arm, 5 cent head. The Johnny comparison is being made a lot and that cannot help his draft status.
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Already calling himself "Broadway Baker" if he gets drafted by a New York team.
I look in that guys eyes and there's something amiss.
I wouldn't chance it.
I get why he hates Texas, no scholarship offer. But he went to Oklahoma as a walk on. No scholarship offer in the beginning.I don't hate the guy believe it or not. He made something out of nothing. If he wants to rub in our noses well he has earned the right. I look forward to beating OK in the coming seasons, that will shut him up. I also look forward to R Johnson, I think he's going to be a stud.
I get why he hates Texas, no scholarship offer. But he went to Oklahoma as a walk on. No scholarship offer in the beginning.I don't hate the guy believe it or not. He made something out of nothing. If he wants to rub in our noses well he has earned the right. I look forward to beating OK in the coming seasons, that will shut him up. I also look forward to R Johnson, I think he's going to be a stud.
Hate is a bit of a strong word and those who hate are wasting a lot of energy with no chance of any return on their time and emotions. His hating Texas is one thing, but running around spewing his hate is quite another and indicative of his immaturity and foolish attempts at childish self-promotion. I am fine with him acting a fool and suspect that it will catch up with him in time because he will probably increase his need for attention until it costs him dearly.

It is too bad that the Heisman does not have a way of considering character in their bogus attempt to find the pinnacle of football players.
Get the **** over it. He's dumbass college kiid. To my knowlege he's never gotten behind the wheel drunk like Kindle or Melton. Never held anyone at gunpoint like Joesph. People who care about the horns down thing are too immature and/or too stupid to waste my time on. Give it a rest.
Get the **** over it. He's dumbass college kiid. To my knowlege he's never gotten behind the wheel drunk like Kindle or Melton. Never held anyone at gunpoint like Joesph. People who care about the horns down thing are too immature and/or too stupid to waste my time on. Give it a rest.
If that's so, why did you waste your time posting the reply?
It is tough to stomach Mayfield's actions, but we as Texas fans are pretty quick to throw rocks from our house that's sometimes made of pretty flimsy glass....
Get the **** over it. He's dumbass college kiid. To my knowlege he's never gotten behind the wheel drunk

FYI, February 25, 2017.

And I agree with your opinion concerning idiots flashing horns-down being beneath our collective contempt, but it still irritates me.
As for Mayfield, the fact he has the same initials as bowel movement is not a coincidence.
Here’s my question for those who would tend to make excuses for Special Snowflake’s behavior:

Would you want him representing Texas, even with a Heisman?

For me the answer is clear. No.
I get why he hates Texas, no scholarship offer. But he went to Oklahoma as a walk on. No scholarship offer in the beginning.I don't hate the guy believe it or not. He made something out of nothing. If he wants to rub in our noses well he has earned the right. I look forward to beating OK in the coming seasons, that will shut him up. I also look forward to R Johnson, I think he's going to be a stud.

I read somewhere that he hated Texas because of he felt his friend Garrett Gilbert was treated poorly including by the fans who booed him off the field against BYU (I was at that game).
Watching his arrest video, you realize how lucky he got during that officer's tackle....he almost face-planted into curbing rather than ground....inches from real disaster....lucky he has all of his teeth.....
Yes, Texas didn't want him. OU didn't want him either. NO ONE wanted him. He was a freakin' walk-on at Tech. Does he hate every school that didn't recruit him? Because that's basically all of them.
Yes, Texas didn't want him. OU didn't want him either. NO ONE wanted him. He was a freakin' walk-on at Tech. Does he hate every school that didn't recruit him? Because that's basically all of them.
In other words despite tremendous obstacles he became incredibly successful. What a wimp.
I don't think anyone here thinks he is as bad as Robert Joseph. Bad example anyway, as he suffered the consequences of his stupidity.
Any one thing BM does is not that bad but its a pattern of ****** behavior, and he never know consequences.
He runs from the cops and makes the news.
It was excused.
He trash talked Kansas by grabbing his genitals and gesticulating at them on TV.
It was excused.
He beams an opposing player in the head during warm-ups.
We laughed and it was excused.
The list could go on and on. And this is just the stuff we know about.

I'd like to say I wish him well, but I'll just say I hope he figures out how to be a decent human being one day, and gets what's coming to him either way.
I don't think anyone here thinks he is as bad as Robert Joseph. Bad example anyway, as he suffered the consequences of his stupidity.
Any one thing BM does is not that bad but its a pattern of ****** behavior, and he never know consequences.
He runs from the cops and makes the news.
It was excused.
He trash talked Kansas by grabbing his genitals and gesticulating at them on TV.
It was excused.
He beams an opposing player in the head during warm-ups.
We laughed and it was excused.
The list could go on and on. And this is just the stuff we know about.

I'd like to say I wish him well, but I'll just say I hope he figures out how to be a decent human being one day, and gets what's coming to him either way.

It is just another in a long line of players who are enabled in Norman. But to be fair, this sort of thing happens with quite a few Power 5 teams. The fans only want to win and the coaches want to be paid.
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I don't think anyone here thinks he is as bad as Robert Joseph. Bad example anyway, as he suffered the consequences of his stupidity.
Any one thing BM does is not that bad but its a pattern of ****** behavior, and he never know consequences.
He runs from the cops and makes the news.
It was excused.
He trash talked Kansas by grabbing his genitals and gesticulating at them on TV.
It was excused.
He beams an opposing player in the head during warm-ups.
We laughed and it was excused.
The list could go on and on. And this is just the stuff we know about.

I'd like to say I wish him well, but I'll just say I hope he figures out how to be a decent human being one day, and gets what's coming to him either way.

Yep, you are right on.

Isn’t it interesting in the world of sports how often athletes receive a pass for their actions, especially the “Dumbass college kids”? Baker, the college kid, will turn 23 this year. Many young MEN are held accountable at the age of 23; some are dying at what they do.

Just like the BOZ before him, Baker is a jerk and it’s all on him for showing it to the world. I simply passed on to the forum a bit of “in the news” that he created for himself while bashing Texas.

Glad to help. Personally, I could care less what happens to him.
I personally think the guy has some serious immaturity/cockiness issues that he will need to work through very soon or he may have a short NFL career.

I just wish some of our players hated OU a little more. I know I can't stand the inbred trailer trash north of the red river. Does that make me a bad guy?
I'm with Shilala.
I'll clarify that I do respect the effort and determination he's shown. He's a douche with an admirable work ethic.
And I agree with your opinion concerning idiots flashing horns-down being beneath our collective contempt, but it still irritates me.

I don't pay much attention unless they get in my face and do it. I do find it funny that when others flash the horns down, they get a case of red *** and are buut hurt when we beat their butts and mock them back.
I would not put Mayfield and/or Manziel in the same category as Robert Joseph. The QBs are acting like the immature arrogant kids they are. Correct me if you know better, but Joseph had four different criminal counts for armed robbery which were sealed because he was a minor. His HS coach let him stay on the team at Port Arthur despite the issues, and never told recruiters about them.

How many coaches let you play football after one armed robbery, much less 3-4? I put that on the Port Arthur HC, who promptly moved to Atascosita as HC. Have no idea where he is now.
Snowflake talks about Texas because it gets in the news. If he talks about anyone else, no one cares. In reality, snowflake should hate tech the most...
He's 2-2 against Texas.

Perspective: the two that he lost were against the 2 worst (statistically) defenses in 126 years of Longhorn football. His two wins were both games decided by 1 play, as double digit favorites with vastly better teams. He has badly under performed against Texas in his 4 tries.

If the rest of his career was the same as he had in 4 tries, with two different schools, he would, as Sabre so correctly pointed out, would not be worrying about the draft, but rather taking the LSAT. (Much like if Bear Bryant's career mirrored his games against us, he would have been the best insurance salesman in Tuscaloosa).

Whiney little biiiittcchhh.

We laughed and it was excused

That’s part of why he is a special snowflake. What I have never liked and why I call him a special snowflake is he has spent his career being one of the biggest WHINERS in college football history. He has WHINED his way to the top. He got a heisman. He has gotten everything he wanted including a Big 12 rule change just for him because he is a special snowflake. Stop whining! Yet... he continues....

There needs to be a rule that at some point, if you keep complaining that Texas did not offer, you have to admit you are ashamed of being a sooner, aggy, etc and you still wish you were a longhorn.... because that is what it sounds like.