Bad news for some of you

Joe Fan

10,000+ Posts
It appears the Orgy Dome at this year's Burning Man will be closed.
Please thank the next Hollywood Perv you run into for this situation.
That is all

Of course I have an idea what this is but now I have to go google it.
What IS interesting is that you obviously know exactly what this is and felt no need to explain.
Suggesting you have visited the Orgy Dome?
Yeah, I had no idea either. I know what an orgy is and what a dome is so I can guess that it is an orgy that takes place under a dome.
Of course I have an idea what this is but now I have to go google it.
What IS interesting is that you obviously know exactly what this is and felt no need to explain.
Suggesting you have visited the Orgy Dome?

Everyone must have heard of Burning Man?
Perhaps I know more since I lived in SF which was often like Burning Man West

Burning Man Galleries
I've heard of Burning Man in a vague and generalized way, but I have no idea what it actually is, nor have I ever had the curiosity to bother finding out.
having a semi idea of what Burning Man is
is not the same as having a clue what the Orgy Dome is
I think you should educate us all
with the Pics I know you must have.
And while you are at it define Eiffel Tower
We count on you.:ousucks:
I don't get this. If we set aside all morality, I understand the appeal of hanging around a bunch of naked chicks and having one's way with them for a few days. However, I would think that the awkwardness of also having a bunch of naked dudes running around and knowing that they're doing the same thing you are would ruin any enjoyment one might get. The "gross factor" would just be too high.
I don't get this. If we set aside all morality, I understand the appeal of hanging around a bunch of naked chicks and having one's way with them for a few days. However, I would think that the awkwardness of also having a bunch of naked dudes running around and knowing that they're doing the same thing you are would ruin any enjoyment one might get. The "gross factor" would just be too high.
LOL - you are not the target audience. Actually, I think these people like to “overshare” if you know what I mean.
LOL - you are not the target audience. Actually, I think these people like to “overshare” if you know what I mean.

Maybe I'm just too big of an adherent to the "2 balls, 4 walls" rule, but I have a hard time believing that any guy genuinely likes to "share," especially in his presence. He might tolerate it to get a piece of the action, but I can't imagine anybody actually liking it.

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