Austin and construction..


250+ Posts
Why is it that "construction" happens around the malls during the holidays?

I have construction in quotes because for the last month there has been a big pile of dirt in the turn lane off of lakeline blvd at 183 that hasn't been moved one grain.

I know it is important to keep a big pile of dirt in a safe spot. And I know that moving it 5 feet to the right, off of the road, might have been too much to ask, but common sense would seem to dictate that malls get lots of traffic during the holidays just as the stadium gets lot of traffic on game days and big piles of dirt in a lane just aren't good for the mental health of most drivers.

Also, if you have placed a big pile of dirt in the turn lane, you would think that the traffic light timing would be adjusted to accomidate for the same number of cars (or more, see mall at holidays) to get through with fewer lanes.

Well, I guess taking the light down to a 17 second interval (down from about a minute) seemed like a smart thing to do.

17 seconds is afterall long enough for 3-4 cars to get through the intersection. And since the big pile of dirt is blocking the turn lane and 100's of cars want to turn or go straight, what's a few extra hours at the light mean?

Of course you can by-pass this light by cutting through the mall, but ah yes it's the holidays and the malls are packed.
Isn't going to the mall during the holidays one of the classic blunders, along with getting into a land war in Asia and going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line?