Happy Feller
I was Matthew's inspiration for this scene.
I must admit, after the last eight years my Longhorn enthusiasm is waning. And that upsets me. Every pre-season I still predict a natty because, well, I expect it. "We're Texas" is in my blood; and now my blood is beginning to thin.
I told my great-granddad the other day that after seeing the roster updates for next year and the linemen recruiting projections, it could take us another five years just to get back into the top 3... in the Beg12!
Not enthused about our upcoming bowl game, but I'll watch it. Maybe even turn the sound on.
Okay, enough of my Debra Downdra impersonation.
Have a very Merry Christ-mas all you Hornfansers! I love every 9 outta 10 of ya!
I must admit, after the last eight years my Longhorn enthusiasm is waning. And that upsets me. Every pre-season I still predict a natty because, well, I expect it. "We're Texas" is in my blood; and now my blood is beginning to thin.
I told my great-granddad the other day that after seeing the roster updates for next year and the linemen recruiting projections, it could take us another five years just to get back into the top 3... in the Beg12!
Not enthused about our upcoming bowl game, but I'll watch it. Maybe even turn the sound on.
Okay, enough of my Debra Downdra impersonation.
Have a very Merry Christ-mas all you Hornfansers! I love every 9 outta 10 of ya!