W wadster 5,000+ Posts Sep 3, 2008 #1 Haven't read it all yet, but nice article on him and Sanya Richards.
W wadster 5,000+ Posts Sep 3, 2008 #3 They need to have like 8 kids that all come to Texas to kick ***.
Texanne 5,000+ Posts Sponsor Sep 4, 2008 #6 Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's not actually an article. It's one of those "at home with" ads. But it was nicely done, nonetheless, and it's good to see AR getting that kind of attention.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's not actually an article. It's one of those "at home with" ads. But it was nicely done, nonetheless, and it's good to see AR getting that kind of attention.