Army Demographics


Interesting stats on who actually serves in our Army versus who some like to say serve. from WSJ

"Just last week, two well-educated and well-known writer acquaintances of mine remarked in passing on the "fact" that those who serve in the U.S. military typically have no other career options. America's soldiers, they said, were poor and black.

They don't mean this to denigrate their service—no, they mean it as a critique of American society, which turns its unemployed into cannon fodder. Especially today with high unemployment, the charge goes, hapless youths we fail to educate are embarking on a one-way trip to Afghanistan.

These allegations—most frequently leveled at the Army, the military's biggest service and the one with the highest casualty rate—are false. "
'In 2008, using data provided by the Defense Department, the Heritage Foundation found that only 11% of enlisted military recruits in 2007 came from the poorest one-fifth, or quintile, of American neighborhoods (as of the 2000 Census), while 25% came from the wealthiest quintile. "The Link

So not only do the " rich" pay a much larger% of their income in fed taxes a much larger% of totsal fed taxes BUT they send a larger % of their own to serve in the Army.
I wonder

if you read the article you learn that whites are over represented in the Army to % of whites in population and blacks and Hispancs are underrepresented in our amry relative to % of total population.

This is ONLY interesting in relationship to how often people say there are a disportionate % of blacks in the Army. In fact I had a discussion with someone who said that very thing 2 weeks ago. he even used the phrase '"cannon fodder" speaking of the disproportinate number of blacks serving.

I know they said it about Viet Nam and I bet it wasn't true then either.
Some lies never die
I think it's a stretch to call the top 20% "the rich" for these purposes. Otherwise, the distortion described has persisted about the make up of the military for decades.

I suppose one reason the poorest can't enlist is that there are education requirements. They also may not want to enlist. I think the South is generally over represented in the military as well.
Interestingly, in antiquity the Romans and Greeks only wanted the upper classes to serve in the military as they were the ones who had the most stake in the success of the state. They were also the ones who could afford to better equip themselves and were charged with providing their own armor and horse. In return, they won honor and advanced themselves as leaders of the state.

Ben-Hur is inaccurate in portraying slaves manning the oars of the war galleys. Rome wanted citizens at those oars who would presumably pull and fight more vigorously than slaves.
I know what you posted must be great but i can't open it.

Actually the Army will take High school drop outs, even without a GED.
Substiture wealthiest for rich of it suits you better. The point is the same.

it was interesting that in the officer corps college degreed blacks are over represented relative to civilian population.

I do think there generally is less discrimination in the military. It is almost like in athletics.if you can do it your color doesn't matter.
Your point about the Romans only wanting the wealthy in the military coupled with your point about lack of education keeping some out makes sense.

if one isn't motivated enough to stay in school and work to graduate High School why would anyone think that same one would be motivated to go through boot camp and live the disciplined life required in the Army? That same one is not likely interested in their country.
The Romans may have had a point

I know several Career Army who were really angry the Army lowered the requirments to take drop outs, even those without a GED. They felt someone who had the work ethic and desire to get their GED would make a good soldier. A pure drop out, not so much
I would say that the military is one of the most egalitarian institutions we have today. Minorities and females have a greater chance to rise based on their merit in the military versus pretty much anywhere else. That is not to say that there aren't individual companies that do a better job but largely the military is better than corporate america.

What I think is a terrible portent for our future is how few elected representatives have served? Perhaps if more had that experience we wouldn't be so quick to and willing to let presidents take us into conflicts without proper deliberation.
Just last week, two well-educated and well-known writer acquaintances of mine remarked in passing on the "fact" that those who serve in the U.S. military typically have no other career options. America's soldiers, they said, were poor and black.

the left lives off of societal stereotypes. they rarely look at facts or would even bother to actually speak or socialize with those they claim to speak for. they believe in oliver stone's politics, they see platoon, so they believe everything they see or read from those they believe in.
So let's see you have:

bottom 20% Poor-Pay no Taxes
21-40% Almost Poor-Pay no Taxes
41-60% Close to Poor- some pay no taxes
61-80% Lower Middle Class taxpayers
81-90% Middle Class
91-98% Upper Middle Class
98.1%-99.8% Lower Upper class(can be taxed more)
99.81%-100$ Uber Rich(they should be donating money to government instead of charity)

Talk about distortions to the statistics.

If you divide the study equally and mention it up front, help me understand the statistical limitations? Are you basing the study off of the mean or median? The median as I believe you are suggesting would greatly distort the statistic, while basing it off of the mean with qualification is acceptable.
wow you get all wee wee'd up over one word? I used Rich, tre article used ' wealthiest" If that word suits you better use it.

do you think to someone in the bottom quintile that the bottom of the top quintile is rich?
Good point. I did check it out and 74.75%of deaths during iraqi freedoms (march 03-may08) were white. 9.49% black 10.72 % Hispanic.
this was a DOD site of all service deaths a and the original link only spoke about the Army where 58% of enliisted were white
. is that what you thought it would be? That whites are that large a % of deaths?
Okay Per
This, 'Probably because blacks are discriminated against when it comes to assigning plum combat positions...
made me laugh
and now i see your posts are meant to be sarcastic. I acutally thought you were serious at first

You did mean this as sarcasm, right?

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