Are Republicans giddy about November?

One of the unfortunate things about the internet is that people can do socially unacceptable things, such as race baiting, anonymously.

Obama will win decisively if he is the candidate. He gets most of the Dem votes (I say "most" b/c both parties have their fair share of bigots), many of the independents, and a fair number of GOPers b/c many of us are ready for something other than the same tired old people running the show, promising the moon and doing business as usual.

If Barack wins, it's not like he can get every bill he wants passed. Over the next four years, the GOP needs to regroup, convince the American people that their ideas are better, don't try to win elections by using fear and appealing to liberals, and identify the next generation of leaders for the GOP. McCain's chance was 8 years ago. He lost.

Hillary, on the other hand, might hand the election to the GOP, but not b/c she is a woman. She MIGHT lose to McCain b/c so many people in the middle and on the right universally can't stand the Clintons and are sickened by the thought of 4 or 8 years of seeing and listening to Hill and Bill. They had their shot... They blew it. Give the new guy a shot. I listen to him every time he speaks. I grab the clicker as soon as humanly possible when i hear the shrill voice of Hillary or the arrogant voice of Bill. I'm just one person but I'm willing to live with Obama while the GOP regroups.

As I have posted previously, I don't agree with many of Obama's policies. But I do think he is a good man.

There are plenty of republicans who will secretly vote for Obama. Trust me. Few will vote for Billary.
Obama isn't as strong as people think. He hasn't been hammered by the media yet, no one's really gone after him. He doesn't have to say much in the Democratic primary because the differences between him and Clinton are small. But once he gets to the general election, McCain is going to paint him as an inexperienced, radical leftist.
McCain is going to ask people, "Do you really want this junior Senator who has only proven he can give a good speech running the war on terror?" Then McCain will remind people of the Obama quote about going into Pakistan.
In reply to:

It's pretty simple. Of anyone out there right now I think he could put this country going in the right direction.


Just what specific ideas has Obama put forward that would make a "life long Republican" vote for him?

Just out of curiousity (and not to bring you over to what you obviously consider (Darth Varder/ "the dark side (breathe)/Darth Vader), what is it in the Republican Party right now given the current Administration that does not make you, as a Republican, hungry for "change"?

The economy is starting to hemmorage over the capital market, there is a huge deficit budget, the Federal Government has expanded very deeply into intrusion in what used to be the personal life of individuals (education, surveillance, federal preemption of state civil actions), there is a clusterfuck of a side war in Iraq while Afghanistan starts deteriorating, OBL is still alive and well and making videotapes. What about the current state of affairs makes you so happy?

This isn't (entirely) a flame,. I'm just curious if your party loyalty has hypnotised you into a "Everything's fine, all you people shouting just go away" mentality.
It all comes down to whether America wants an expanded role for the federal government. All the lofty speeches will be weighed against cost, some estimitates are that he would increase spending by 800 billion dollars.
How is he going to pay for all these teachers salaries,schools ,hospitals,healthcare, roads, bridges, daycare, etc? The fact is that he is very liberal, appealing to a very liberal base. Remember in 1988 , the Dems had 23 million primary votes to 12 mill for the repubs.
As someone who has never voted for a republican in my life when sober, I must say that McCain is the ONLY Republican candidate who worries me vis-a-vis a Democratic victory in November. I think he is the only Republican who has any real appeal for the independent voters. If he backed away from his apparently infinite commitment to an Iraq occupation, he would be even more formidable. If he will avoid kowtowing to the evangelical Right in too smarmy a way, that will also help. His lifelong reputation for integrity helps him. His long experience in government also helps him. I don't think Obama will run away with it. Both are good men. Obama is the more inspiring if you want change. MacCain will seem steadier if you want stability (I don't necessarily mean merely the status quo).

If it's Hillary and McCain I'm going fishing on election day.
A lot of Republicans are voting in these open primaries and giving Obama the lead we see.

Once the race happens, McCain will indeed win, no question.

They are setting up the easiest opponent for McCain.
I increasingly get the feeling that McCain's surprise position as frontrunner in the wake of the Rudy collapse is turning into a campaign to help promote the last year of Bush's disaster of a presidency more than to promote himself and a viable platform. Regarding Iraq: In reply to:

As a Democrat, McCain is a Republican that I could actually live with as POTUS. That should probably worry the diehard conservatives.

I heard this joke. A woman, a black guy, and a 71 year old walk into a bar . . .
These Republicans that will vote for Obama, presumably they are moderate Republicans, right?

Wait... isn't it the social conservatives that have a problem with McCain? If so, who is currently voting for McCain? Could it be the moderate Republicans?

Obama will do very well in the general. I'm not certain if he will cause Republicans to switch. Hell, I'm about as liberal as a Republican can get, always tempted to vote Democratic at every single election. In the end, the cost
of the Democratic proposals weighs heavily on me and I vote Republican. That's the way the moderate Republican vote will play out.

The question becomes, what states are battleground states... Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, other rust belt type states, some Mountain west states. All of those are up for grabs, but those aren't the states to watch.

The states to watch are the deep south. Obama crushed Hillary with the black vote and Hucakbee and Romney crushed McCain. If McCain can't convince Southern evangelicals to come out and vote for him, he's done, Obama in an electoral outcome similar to Clinton v. Dole.

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