Anyone know of a nice formal place?


25+ Posts
.im looking for a formal place to go in austin. I'd really like to go to a play/theater where there is suits worn. you know, a place to take a nice girl out for a date? Does anyone know of anywhere? Thanks!

P.S. Including like if the show is good cuz i don't want a dumb show. not to like me but for like a girl good. i can sit through anything.
Okay what is this bloodninja nonsense! Really all i was asking was if anyone knew like a play or a theatre that was formal that i could go to. I dunnot know how this bloodninja thing got started.
lol ok....hold on...who is this blood ninja guy really? i've been going to ut. i am a junior. ummm i really don't know what yalls problem is but thanks to the one person who actually answerd my question.