anyone know about powerline ethernet bridges?


25+ Posts
we got a netgear xe102 powerline bridge. the lights are all on... so we know the things are connected well, but the fact remains no connection can be made with the powerline bridge. we're running a netgear wireless router too...

go into network neighborhood, select the internet connection and the powerline connection and right click -> bridge connections.

this did the trick when i used usb powerline.
right now, i'm trying to see if the powerline adapter will work with my laptop... eventually it'll be a ps2. i tried the guide and tech support -- i got nowhere. in fact, the guy just said i have no idea. thanks to him.

on the other end, there's a netgear wgr614 v4 wireless router. i suppose i just have them both plugged into the wall and they should work.

i bridged them, and my wireless connection pooped out too. also, how would that even work if i had the powerline on a ps2?
Powerline bridges are typically not plug-and-play devices. I've only messed with them on one occasion, and it was an all day affair to get them working. The troubleshooting guide mentioned a couple of passwords. Do you have these, and how are they used?

What doesn't help is that your deivces will indicate that they have a valid network connection, but this is really just confirmation that they are getting a sgnal from the local bridge. Verifying that the 2 bridges are seeing each other is another issue.

Start in the same room, and connect 2 devices that you know work without going through the bridge. After you've verified that the connection works, try it via the bridge.

I'm not sure how this will work with the PS2. I'm pretty sure you need drivers for the bridge connection to work, but I may be wrong. This is why I recommended the wireless to ethernet bridge. It doesn't require any drivers, but you do have to configure it from a PC first.
yeah. the passwords didn't have anything to do with it since i only have one adapter i'm trying to connect. the wireless bridge was going to be my backup in case this didn't work. of course, this powerline option is about $50 cheaper so i tried it first.

when i connect the powerline with the ethernet cord to the router, the router gives a yellow light at that point instead of green. i took that as a sign i should just return it and get the bridge.
Like above:

1. Set network DES passwords w/ included software
2. Plug both adapters into outlets in the same room
3. Test connectivity in the same room (i.e. plug a laptop/desktop into one adapter and your router into the other adapter and try to ping the router)
4. Move adapters to the final locations
5. Test connectivity again as in step 3

Since the devices are only bridges, there isn't anything else sophisticated that needs to be done. Just make sure the network passwords are set on the devices. The adapters have a range limit, however. Could you approximate the distance between the two locations?
The yellow light on the router probably just means that the signal is less than 100Mbps. This shouldn't be an issue for what you are using it for. Maybe you just have bad electrical wiring.

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