Anyone have a DirecTV guy in Houston?

Mack Tripper

500+ Posts
I had a guy install a multiswitch and run cables in my new house, but for some reason only the living room TV is working. This dumbass won't return my calls, so if anyone knows a guy who knows what he is doing, please let me know.
Hey, sounds like you and I have the same installers! DirecTV subcontracted with Direct Tech to install my dish. First they showed up 12 hours late, then they ran the coax on the facade of my eves rather than conseal them on the underside. Not only did they use about 25 feet too much coax (ran it around the side and doubled it back for no reason), but no 2 cables are parallel and half the **** droops down like Christmas lights. It looks like white trash lives at my house. They left all kinds of debris in my yard and their empty coax spool. In 6 attempts to get them to come out to do a re-install, they haven't shown up once. And they will NOT return my calls.
Yeah, I feel your pain. My only gripe with Directv is their negligence of quality control when it comes to picking companies for service/installation calls. I don't mean to insult you personally if you do that for a living, but every one of those guys that has come out for an installation has been dumber than rocks and frequently smell like they have been swimming in a pool of cheap tobacco, moonshine, and urine for 3 straight days.
I did the install myself after the installer wouldn't put the dish on a wooden moving pallet like my apartment managers wanted. The installer wanted me to buy some $200 anti-skid, titanium dish stand and wait 2 weeks for him to come back. Anyway it wasn't that hard.

Can you only watch the TV in the livingroom or is it just one TV at a time? You should try turning off the satellite box in the livingroom to try the others. Do you have easy access to the multiswitch, there are a few easy test you could do to diagnose your problem?

First, I should mention that I didn't have to use a multiswitch in my installation (actually I think my dish had one integrated) but I have read enough about the subject that I may be able to help. Some background. Multiple TV satellite dishes must have at least dual LNBs, each LNB can work indepently to receive all the channels from the satellite. The LNB switches between listening for odd or even channels depending on what channel you are watching. If you only have two boxes you can just hook each box up to one LNB and be done with it. But if you have more TVs you need a multiswitch. What the multiswitch does is take the two cables from the satellite (each connected to one of the LNBs) and fixes one LNB to listen for odd channels and the other LNB to listen for the even channels. So the multiswitch now has both odd and even channels at all times going into it. Multiswitches typically have 4, 6 or 8 outputs which you can then run a cable to each satellite box. The multiswitch decides which signal to give to each box and switches the signal accordingly. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing but it may help you in a general sense.

What I'm suggesting you do is check for obvious errors that you might be able to correct yourself. If it's a bad cable, maybe you can rerun it yourself or maybe not. If it ends up being a faulty multiswitch you probably want to get him to come back out and replace it for free instead of paying for a new multiswitch yourself. With that in mind...

1) You say both tuners work in the livingroom Tivo. So you can buffer an odd and even channel at the same time? If you unplug the tivo or disconnect the 2 cables does the box in the bedroom find the signal? If it does find the signal it's probably a problem with the multiswitch. If not maybe its just a bad cable running from the multiswitch to the bedroom.

2) Check and see the mutliswitch is wired as described above, e.g. 2 lines coming in from the satellite, multiple going out to the TV boxes. Some multiswitches are powerd, make sure it's plugged in if need be. You might be able to find out more about your specific mutliswitch on the internet. Some multiswitches have 4 inputs, this is for eliptical dishes that are receiving signals from 2 satellites (the 4 inputs are odd channels on satellite 1, even on sat 1, odd on sat 2, and even on sat 2). These are obviously a bit more complicated. Also, some multiswitches have an additional input for over the air signals.

3) Assuming the multiswitch appears to be wired correctly, you should now have an idea of which cables go where. If your lucky they might be labeled saying this one goes to the living room, this one goes to the bedroom, etc. Regardless, disconnect the 2 satellite lines from the multiswitch. Now connect one of them directly to one of the room cables. By doing this you should be able to determine which cables go to which room and at the same time verify that the room cables are actually working. If the bedroom still does not work, try the bedroom box in the livingroom.

By trying all of this you should be able to narrow down the problem. Post back with the results and I'll let you know if I have any other ideas.