Any City of Austin employees on the board?


< 25 Posts
I was browsing the City of Austin's website and came across an interesting planning job. Their application process is cumbersome to say the least...

I assume the website app is a formality. Any insight from the board about how their application process works and how to maybe get on an inside track with someone that actually makes decisions instead of a computer? Has anyone on the board gone through the process before?

Thanks and hook 'em as always!

yes, the application process is cumbersome...that's probably a nice way to put it. Bad news: you will have to fill it out because, like most bureaucratic processes, even if you turn in a stellar resume that makes them think "WE NEED THIS PERSON!" they won't be able to offer a position unless they have some summary of your qualifications and work history in the application format.

additionally, I would probably try to find out who is hiring for it (probably call the main City number at 974-2000, or check the City website to find the main department email) and ask to speak to the hiring manager for the specific position. Once you have him/her on the line, you can see if there is anything else they would like to see in your resume that would not fit on an application.

I've worked for the City for a few years and I'm still frustrated by the process. I'm young (but talented, I would say), and I've been held back because I don't fit into the strict experience guidelines that must be upheld, even if I'm already doing the same work.

let me know if you have any other questions.

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