Another Media Controversy

Mr. Deez

Beer Prophet
I'm surprised nobody has brought this up yet. Link.

I'm really surprised that a red light didn't go off in somebody's head before going on the air with the alleged names of the pilots from the SFO plane crash. I'm no expert on Asian or Korean names, but these sounded about as real as the Cream of Sum Yung Gai would sound on a menu. Clearly it was a joke. In light of the potential for controversy, I would have wanted confirmation from someone higher up than an intern before going on the air with these "names."
Not sure it is a media controversy. They fell for a prank and apparently someone at NTSB validated the names. Media makes errors all of the time and made the mistake of relying upon an intern.
If the reader had any suspicions -- the made up names are easy to spot. In a rush to get out the news, concentrating on perfect spelling and accepting the asian origins of the names, it would be a reasonable mistake.

It's like a fish looking for food. It sees a flash and for a second thinks it's found a minnow, not a spinner.
Somebody lucky enough to get an internship at the NTSB and then destroy all hopes of staying in the industry right when your career is starting to release 4 fake names has to be the dumbest person alive. they were funny names though, so he has some creativity
3 lessons to take away from this incident:

1) If you are working in the government, never underestimate how stupid people in the media are. They won't get your joke.

2) If you are in the media, never underestimate how stupid people working in the government are. They might just be ******* with you and not taking their "jobs" seriously.

3) For the rest of the citizenry, never blindly rely on government people or media people for your information. Both groups are full of idiots.
I can just see it having been an intern but there being some fairly high level people behind the intern egging them on.

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