Angie's Mexican Restaurant

Just a jump east of 35 on 7th street. Kind of perched on the hill. Although I prefer El Azteca on the east side, a friend of mine swears by it. By no means am I bashing it, but I just prefer El.

Angie's is a great place to have lunch. Prices are quite affordable (as all eastside places) and food is excellent. There are few complaints. You do have to spend $10 on a credit card I believe. I'd suggest it as an alternate to El. Who's who of Austin (who isn't at the overpacked trendy Guero's) can usually be found at Angie's at lunch time.
I would rather eat the leavings in the grease trap at Angie's then the El Presidente plate at Gueros. The last time I ate at Guero's, I got the shits worse than any trip to a 3rd world country will give you.

Angie's smells like my grandmother's kitchen. Guero's smells like trendy perfumes.

The two restaurants should not even be mentioned on the same thread.

Angie's has world-class fresh corn tortillas. Their tacos are as good as it gets. Damn fine menudo, juevos con machacado, and for dessert, one of the few places around that has leche quemada at the counter.
I tried to eat lunch there one time, but couldn't get anyone to ******* wait on me. I waited for them to acknowledge I was in the room for 5 minutes, then finally got a table. Then I waited another 5 minutes before anyone brought me a menu or chips and salsa. After I ordered my drink, I waited several more minutes before I got up and walked out. I hear it's great, but I will never go back. Well, unless my boss is buying.

Do yourself a favor and go down a couple of blocks and eat at Las Palmas on E. 7th. The food is great, and the people are very nice. The prices start at $4.95 for lunch specials. The enchiladas won some Austin Critic's Award, whatever that's worth. All in all, I love Las Palmas.
I wasn't pimping Guero's ... can't hold East A's jock.

Las Palmas is great, but Azteca still takes the cake.
East Austin gems -- Angies, Azteca, Joe's Bakery, Dario's. I also hit La Michoacan from time to time when I am feeling REALLY mexican.

The only thing Gueros makes that's good is their tacos al pastor. And Curra's used to be good, but the quality has gone way downhill. I don't eat there anymore.
****, Orngbld knows his restaurants that's for sure.
If you want to kill all the law enforcement blow up Darios.

the only complaint I have is the parking (and seating) is terrible at most of those places (especially Angies), but he food is worth it.
All great restaurants but the topic was Mexican food.
Hoovers is very good.

By the way, if "in to that sort of thing" is food, I'M IN!
Nuevo Leon used to be the **** when they were in the old house on 7th street. Part of eating is the atmosphere at the location, taste and presentation. The new place was too sterile, and I thought the food wasn't as good. Probably wouldn't go back again.

For those who live in north Austin / RR. Garcias on Main street just east of I-35 (620 exit) is good. The new shrimp enchiladas are to die for.
I still like Neuvo Leon even in the new location. Their margs will nock you on your as ***. I liked Angie's the one time that I ate there.
111, I was joking (notice the icon).
I didn't think you meant anything ugly by it.
It's just the way you wrote it, kinda left the door open for the imagination, no big deal.

Garcia's in RR is pretty damn good.
I would rank it pretty high, almost a cafe style (homemade cooked) place.

I have never actually eaten there. Been highly recommended by many a friends, but Hoover's will reel me in before I get past it 9/10 times. Eastside nice date place though I assume.

Speaking of Manor, they're bringing in some new Cajun rest. right next to Mueller's, anyone know about it?
Nuevo Leon is not what it used to be. The food has always been average but the Margaritas were always the big attraction. I think they're trying to find ways to cut costs any way they can because now they use plastic margarita glasses and paper napkins. I'm sure Tequila was added to the hit list, the Margaritas were noticeably watered down the last couple of times I was there. It's a shame.
That is too bad about the Nuevo Leon Margs. That has been our Christmas Eve festivity place for the last few years. We would go over there and down a couple of their margaritas and go drunk Xmas caroling.