Andrew Luck

Today, I saw those fans..especially that grown man taking off his Luck jersey, .and I told her “That’s another reason why I don’t watch pro football”
Given the information that came out in drips about Luck's calf/ankle, one has to wonder whether we ultimately see a similar pronouncement from KD...after all, his injury was originally claimed to have been calf before being given a different diagnosis. And one could certainly argue that KD's ability to cut laterally is even MORE necessary than Luck's need for that ability was (not that a QB can really afford to be immobile).

I hope we don't see a parallel announcement eight or ten months down the road...
I looked at Luck the same way I used to look at Shaquille when he was in the league. They were both big time players who always played my teams a lot and usually beat them (excluding the '95 NBA Finals, lol). I wanted to hate them both. But every time I saw Shaq on TV, he cracked me up. He was just too funny to hate. Same for Luck. He is just too likeable of a guy to hate. Even when he was handing some last second miracle defeat to the Texans, instead of saying "Arghhh!, I hate that guy!," I was usually saying "Dang, I wish I had that guy on my team."
NFL teams will fire your *** whenever they see fit. The system is set up where they keep about 7 new players and fire 7 old every year.

I have no problem if someone wants to quit the NFL.

Capt. Andrew Luck bids farewell to his unit

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