Aggy's new OC


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Appears 1:16 into this video.

Aggy version of this video coming soon?
Ouch, that's painful.

Somehow with the Best Little Whorehouse in TX Aggie dance and Ram It and the squeeze video from ABC you might have a the makings of a musical that would appeal to a certain type of man. The kind of man that likes being called a surge butt and hugging other men in boots as they sway to a song. Kind of man that likes to ram it!

Couple of things about this video...

1) I cant believe I have lived this long and not seen this before. Usually I am up to date on cool stuff, such as but I need to get a grip or something

2) Every white guy has to read from a card, except for aggy new OC and the guy from WVU.

3) The sax solo dance sequence is rad as all get out.

4) 1:55 #66 is not really into it. Someone should have gotten onto him for his lack of fierceness.

5) Why come teams don't do stuff like this anymore? Shame on our culture for turning out the lights on this excellent art form.

6) ou sucks
Had I ever been a Rams fan, that **** would've made me throw my Rams helmet out the freakin window.

Good thing I've never been a Rams fan.