Aggies Recruiting Class Decimated by Academics

Hornius Emeritus

2,500+ Posts

A&M has already lost three of its recruits to Navarro Jr. College: Blake Chavis, Ricky Cavanaugh, and national top-100 stud duck Derrick Hall.

The Link

There are rumors of two more who will fail to qualify, but I'm not going to name them until they actually do fail to qualify. Suffice to say that both are major pieces of the Aggie puzzle this year.
That doesn't mean anything yet, but I've heard they have 5 or 6 kids in danger of not qualifying. They can dual sign with a JC as a safety net in case they don't qualify. Academic non-qualifiers wont officially be known until around August.

13ev0...what would you have him call it?

The problem for aggy with them going the junior college route is this...if they show anything, blow-u and other higher profile programs will offer them out of juco, so they never make it to collie station.
My personal opinions:

And don't forget the 11 decommits for various reasons.

Six of these decommits were four star athletes.

One of these decommits chose your own ut!

miller 58!

Winning coaches sign four and five star athletes, say "it's about winning", and then win big!

Losing coaches sign the two and three star athletes left over, say "it's about player development", and then lose big!
What do they care? They have scoreboard over us the last 2 years. As long as Sherman doesn't find out how to use email, they should be content for at least the next 5-6 years.
Aggie has academics?

Oops, I see that they are 63rd on the 2008 USN&WR list, whereas OU drags the bottom at 108. Even mediocre in Texas is better than the best the state of Oklahoma can dredge up.

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