Aggies constructing DKR?


250+ Posts
Article from the Statesman

not really a shame at all.....just the way things have always been. aggy works for longhorns. this sits very very well with me actually.
I remember hearing somewhere that the Moncrief-Neuhaus center was designed by an aggy.

Either way, we have the money, and we pay these other people to do a job for us. We are their bosses, as God intended it to be.

As for aggy who thinks that 'longhorns are too stupid to do it themselves', all I can say is that ignorance is bliss.
Even ancient Aggies built marvelous structures. Take a look at a particular inscription on one of the pillars of the Colosseum:

I am sure the Aggies aren't the bottom level laborers. They are more likely the ones that have the degrees (thus being aggies) in things like construction science, etc. So why knock those in construction?....I have enjoye watching it being built.
Yeh I get it. Just some coming off sounding a bit elitist b/c we don't have to get our hands dirty yet appreciate watching what they are building day in and day out.
I don't mind who's doing the work on our stadium, just as long as they don't make it look like that mess over at collie station.

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