After DOMA Decision, what now?


500+ Posts
I realize that many of you are not happy with the SC for the DOMA decision. I realize many of you do not agree with same-sex marriage (SSM) at all. However, regardless of how you feel on that, we, as a country, have issues to resolve.

What happens to same-sex couples that are legally married and then move to Texas? Can they file a joint tax return? What if they want a divorce? What happens when one of them dies? There are many more issues like this, but you get the point. I know that some of you want to say "Who cares?". But do you really want the state of Texas spending your tax money fighting these issues? Maybe you do.

I also wonder who, besides the courts, will decide what to do. Is it Congress, the IRS, the President? I don't know.

Personally, I think the Republican party should give up on this issue. Just let all 50 states allow SSM and move on to issues more important to the Country as a the economy, national security, etc.
I haven't followed the decision closely and generally I believe that gays should be able to do what they want. With that said can you kind of guide me through the decision? What fallacies are in the cartoon below:

What about the single, straight, never married and no children person? What happens to my SS benefits if I die tomorrow?

I am pissing money into the wind and the government says that I have to marry something for my efforts to be recognized. Let me opt out.......

I am tired of this group think mentality.....
Amen on SS. Just write me a check for what my employer and I paid in the last 45 years (no interest) and I will happily be on my way. More years than I can remember, I maxed out between June and August.
I'll try to address EasternHorn's question as well as walk through the decision as Uninformed asked. (Note to Uninformed - the cartoon you tried to post isn't showing up on my end.)

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