No kidding considering the strong point or consistent theme to this years success was the weather. No dust bowl, no unbearable heat. Transportation went well, weather cooperated, well rounded lineup. So for their 10th Anniversary they are going to screw it up and go back to the beginning again? Dumb.
Many of their tickets went to students at UT already in town which helped with the hotels. There may not be enough to cover that. Many students may not go. They are assuming out of town people will buy the tickets. Dumb.
I think what a lot of people are forgetting is the Big 12 schedule was uncertain until a few weeks ago. They may have had to pick a date before the Big 12 schedule was released. Knowing that the UCLA game probably wouldn't change they went with that since it was a guranteed away game. Just sayin that might have played a factor in the decision.
As for the mention of the Black Keys up there. I saw them 3 times this weekend/week. Their ACL show, the aftershow, and the ACL Taping last night. If you ever get a chance to see them take it. It will be worth it.