ABC Big XII Coverage

The Big Unit

100+ Posts
Why can't ABC broadcast their 2:30pm game in HD? Don't they know that CBS is broadcasting the SEC day game in HD? How much more can it cost to broadcast a freaking football game in HD? Arrrrrggggggggg
This will be a weekly thread, and I don't blame people if you missed the story a couple weeks ago. Bottom line is because the Big 12 has a split TV contract with FSN, and the fact that broadcasting in HD is expensive and requires a separate truck, ABC is not going out of its way to put Big 12 regional games on HD.

The OU game is national and will be HD. But for the rest of the season, the Big 12 2:30 regional games will not.
I watch other non-HD games all season long, and the press box-level view on ABC and NBC non-HD is pure garbage. It's like watching a game on a 13 inch TV.

There is no excuse for video quality that poor.
You guys are spoiled. I can see just fine. Picture is fine. I can tell who is on what team and i can read names on the back of jerseys. I can read the score. I don't need to see the outline of sweat on the coaches armpit.
We are spoiled. But once you've watched games in HD with the better picture and wider shot, you won't want to go back if you have a choice.
You are the spoiled one, what with your fancy tv with color.

I have a GE tv from the 60's with no color and one knob. I'm hard core.
I am not being a techno geek. I don't really care if the games are in HD or not. I just don't particularly care for games that appear to be taking place during a solar eclipse.

For whatever reason, ABC and NBC both appeared that way when they shot from the press boox level today.
while we're bitching about tv coverage, it would be nice to see the quarterback in the pocket during a pass play. mccoy and hawkins were left out of the shot way too many times today.
Not to mention all the replays that ran over into the next live play on FSN.

It was really bad during Baylor/OU. Several times, they missed all but the tackle on the ensuing play.