Preach on, BI.
Republicans are really, really good at claiming to be fiscally conservative and the "party of small government" as long as they're not holding the purse strings. During the Clinton years, the nonstop buzzwords from the GOP were "balanced budget amendment" and "campaign finance reform." Then they controlled both houses and the presidency from 2000-2006 and they very quickly turned a budget surplus back into a wild, runaway orgy of spending. The self-proclaimed party of "small government" started the Dept of Homeland Security. They started an unjustified war in Iraq that continues to bleed us to the tune of 300 million dollars a DAY. Think about that number. There were giant money-grabs like the Prescription Drug Bill of 2004, where they gave your tax dollars to the drug companies and then touted it as some kind of achievement. Those sound bites about balanced budget amendments and campaign finance reform were replaced by that ******* terrorism threat meter ("DEAR LORD, IT'S ORANGE! ORANGE!!! AND WE'RE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN KEEP YOU SAFE!"). And NO ONE from their own party called them out on that ********.
Likewise, I don't hear any Democrats calling out Obama for promising to "end business in Washington as we know it" and then promptly handing over the reins of lawmaking to bankers and other special interests. The Dems also fail to call him out for keeping the American flag flying over Guantanamo, where hundreds of men have been detained now for nearly a decade on no formal charges (and if they're proven to be guilty, then lock 'em up, but let's get on with the business of proving something.... it's an embarrassment to a country that claims to be the defender of justice).
And yeah, Obama has been a disaster. I think that (behind W) he's the second-worst president of my lifetime.
BI's initial post is right on the money. To believe that the Republicans are for small government and balanced budgets just flies in the face of every data point of the last 30 years.
If Ron Paul wins the nomination, I'll vote for him. Otherwise, I'll vote third party. I invite others to do the same. Try it. It's pretty satisfying.