A Voter's Guide to Republicans


Thanks for posting.
I enjoyed that very much. I sent that to a friend and he called and yelled at me for 10 minutes. I really didnt get a chance to reply to anything that he said.
Your friend must have been a Dem . any GOPER would think that was hilarious and pretty factual at the same time.

Thanks Mojo
started the week off with a laugh
The fact that some of you seem to be supporting either of the two parties which have conspired to bankrupt this country is appalling to me.

This video plainly supports the Republican party. You may remember that Republicans voted to send your children off to die in Iraq, for No Child Left Behind, for the Prescription Drug Benefit, for the Department of Homeland Security, for the Bush Tax "Cuts" etc...

After looking at the body of evidence, I am astounded that some of y'all appear to support them.
Unfortunately, that hits the nail on the head. Right now we are talking about the lesser of two evils. That is all. If someone could step up in a big way as an independent, that would be great. Unfortunately at this point that would most likely mean we are stuck with the greater of two evils, as 45% of the country seems to vote Dem regardless.
Makes a nice persuasion piece, and is a little bit tongue in cheek, so it has its funny parts.

Not a great connection demonstrated between the Republicans of 150 years ago and now. The party labels have obviously evolved a lot over time. As a conservative, I can still give credit to breaking slavery as a generally "liberal" cause, and when the civil rights laws were passed in the early 60s, it was Democrats. Likewise, tying the firehoses in Alabama in the 50s to modern day liberal democrats is a far stretch.

Still, I do completely accept that blacks in this country would be FAR better off in the country envisioned by Republicans than the one envisioned by Democrats. This kind of piece isn't going to change anyone's minds, however. Just call it entertaining, I guess.
"We have seen the dismal record of the Obama Administration. "

That's a ******* lie. The pubs were bankrupting this country long before anybody outside of Chicago ever heard of BO.

Find another excuse.
AustinTejas, get a grip. The Dems have controlled the purse strings of the government (House of Representatives) in 26 of the last 34 congresses. The last time they did, they pushed the accelerator of deficit spending down to the floor. Thus they gave birth to the Tea Party.
Bankrupting the country? Oh wait, what policy artificially caused housing prices to skyrocket, creating the housing bubble? The CRA, passed by Jimmy Carter, and then expanded by Bill Clinton..

Who tried to limit Freddie/Fannie? Bush, in 2003. Who shot it down? Barney Frank, another Democrat
What an incredibly stupid argument. Bush spent more than he should have so it is ok for BO to TRIPLE the spending.

Bush was adding about 607 billion to debt each year. TOO Much
but BO is adding 1.723 TRILLION a year.
austin tejas do you think that is ok?

What a freaking stupid argument.
Preach on, BI.

Republicans are really, really good at claiming to be fiscally conservative and the "party of small government" as long as they're not holding the purse strings. During the Clinton years, the nonstop buzzwords from the GOP were "balanced budget amendment" and "campaign finance reform." Then they controlled both houses and the presidency from 2000-2006 and they very quickly turned a budget surplus back into a wild, runaway orgy of spending. The self-proclaimed party of "small government" started the Dept of Homeland Security. They started an unjustified war in Iraq that continues to bleed us to the tune of 300 million dollars a DAY. Think about that number. There were giant money-grabs like the Prescription Drug Bill of 2004, where they gave your tax dollars to the drug companies and then touted it as some kind of achievement. Those sound bites about balanced budget amendments and campaign finance reform were replaced by that ******* terrorism threat meter ("DEAR LORD, IT'S ORANGE! ORANGE!!! AND WE'RE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN KEEP YOU SAFE!"). And NO ONE from their own party called them out on that ********.

Likewise, I don't hear any Democrats calling out Obama for promising to "end business in Washington as we know it" and then promptly handing over the reins of lawmaking to bankers and other special interests. The Dems also fail to call him out for keeping the American flag flying over Guantanamo, where hundreds of men have been detained now for nearly a decade on no formal charges (and if they're proven to be guilty, then lock 'em up, but let's get on with the business of proving something.... it's an embarrassment to a country that claims to be the defender of justice).

And yeah, Obama has been a disaster. I think that (behind W) he's the second-worst president of my lifetime.

BI's initial post is right on the money. To believe that the Republicans are for small government and balanced budgets just flies in the face of every data point of the last 30 years.

If Ron Paul wins the nomination, I'll vote for him. Otherwise, I'll vote third party. I invite others to do the same. Try it. It's pretty satisfying.
(edit because I just read the rest of the thread, including the claim that Obama is responsible for a third of all debt)

So all the tax-cutting, the ongoing wars around the globe, the department of Homeland Security, the prescription drug expenses, the corporate subsidies, all the fiscal irresponsibility of 2000-2008 that we continue to pay for today... that's "Obama's" debt now, according the latest Republican talking heads and outraged emails that get forwarded around?

Ridiculous.... but I guess that's what you have to sell your party faithful if you're going to get them to try to bring the same clown show back to town for an encore.
When I was a kid in the 60's the Democrats owned the south as a bloc.

Over time, after JFK and LBJ enforced civil rights most notably and visibly by forcing desegration of the University of Alabama with the National Guard, most southern politicians went over to being Republican for this very reason. Some of them probably jumped ship too soon such as John Connolly. It is widely believed he would have become president had he stayed democrat.
too soon?
connolly didn't change parties until 1973, 9 years after the GOP voted the civil rights act into lawso saying he did so because he hated blacks is stupid

When did Stennis, Hollings, Fullbright, Yarborough Richard Russell, Talmadge, Ellender,Rusell Long, sparkman, Hill . Al GORE Sr and Bass etc etc.
those are ALL democratic senators who served some of the southern states during the fight to get the Civil rights act of 1964. and NONE of them changed parties even after it passed. including Al GORE sr who voted AGAINST the civil rights bill, as did they all. Facts kinda destory the dem claim to be for blacks and the GOP against.

edit to add the most famous racist reindeer of all who NEVER changed parties; Senator KKK Byrd.

just posting something does not make it so. This applies to posters on here and to the media as well
Jimmy Carter carried the south solidly in 1976, then became the worst President in history (before Obama). I think Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan had more to do with turning the south toward the Republicans than anything else
"over time"

And I said nothing about Connolly hating blacks. I have no idea if he did or didn't.

I'm saying that forced desegregation in Mississippi and Alabama was the turning point, the beginning of the end of democratic control of the south. It split the party in 2 and most of the conservative democrats either went independent or went over to the republican side. Now the old south its practically a pure Republican bloc.

I really don't think most republicans are racist. The old school racist democrats are long extinct. The country has largely moved on from that, and thank God.

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