A Manifesto from NRHORN to those who whined about UT making a bowl game


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Be honest- you watched it and you are pleased that you did. What a great way to send off the seniors and motivate the returning players.
(Negativity starts in 3-2-1)

I generally dislike excessive celebrations, but really enjoyed the team doing the “secure the bag” wide stance to Mizzou- who I now consider the Sooners of the SEC.
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Agree about the excessive whining and drama here lately. Some even whining/drama about the nice Texas Bowl attendance. :facepalm:

Hopefully some will relax until Spring game. :hookem:

Lot of work left to do, but ecstatic about the our performance. Didn't expect that!
I turned it on to watch it out of spite, and happily complained about everything through the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

And then we won and I became a superfan again. It may as well have been the Rose Bowl 2004.

I also enjoyed seeing Sam and Herman "securing the bag"in spite of myself. Nice to see these kids and their coach have a little fun this season.
By the way, I get the exuberant “secure the bag” routine after seeing the pre game press conference where the three Mizzou team leaders disrespected the Longhorns and were really confident.
I was perhaps the most outspoken against going to a bowl. I didn't think they deserved one, nor did I think there would be any progress made during the extra three weeks of practice based on April, August, & the season.

I only went to the game because I was picked up, delivered to the curb for a short walk to the elevators. When I saw the ball snapped six yards deep when we needed a yard & Mizzou had all eleven men on the line, I was ready to leave.

Did Tom Herman suddenly find his personality? Did Red buy him one at halftime? He actually came to life on the sideline. Childish? Perhaps. but so is Babo and Gundy trying to dance - it works; I don't have to like it, if it works.

There has been "something" missing on this team all year. "Something" arrived on Kirby Drive Wednesday evening by the truckload.

Congratulations, to Coach Herman, and a huge, "Thank you" to the players for a great effort.
I once had an employee of mine go on this long rant, I listened and then said
"lighten up Francis". That's what some of the fans whining need to do. We are fine, lighten up. That "secure the bag" dance Ehlinger and TH did was all in fun. They deserved that and probably needed it. 2017 was a transitional year for the program. We're rising up from this point. I have a had a very bad 2017 and I am rising up too in 2018. So I for one really feel where the Horns are right now. They will be just fine!
Bowl games are a lot of fun when you win. Mizzou was a quality opponent, and we got a quality win. I loved the energy from these guys.
Glad I attended. I enjoyed the game immensely. I got to razz an aggy who came to see tu lose. A Longhorn win, a winning season and aggy misery : all in one night
Personally, it is my feeling that now is a proper time for the Longhorn's
fan base to take a deep breath, relax and make a realistic evaluation of year #1 of the Tom Herman era and perhaps put the 2017 season's accomplishments into proper perspective.

I am certain we all had some higher expectations and experienced some disappointments during the last season as well as some positive surprises and moments of seeing real hope for an improved future for our Longhorn Football team.

At times it was like being on a Manic-Depressive emotional roller coaster ride that brought us massive elation only to be followed by the incredibly frustrating depths of disappointment.

Like a pendulum moving from one extreme to the other it creates an environment in which it becomes very difficult to gain real perspective into where we realistically are in the development of our football program...in fact this also affects our coaches ability to gain the same realistic perspective on where we are as a football team.

This was certainly evident in Tom Herman's own shock and bewilderment right after the Texas Tech loss (I believe he was actually stunned by the outcome of that game).

So, what are we to realistically make of the 2017 season when viewed with some emotional moderation and true introspective analysis...I would offer the following:

1) We need to let Tom Herman form and shape this team into his own vision of what it should be and trust his evaluation regarding personnel utilization and the coaching capabilities of his staff...and support his efforts fully...after all this is only year one.

2) This team experienced an incredible amount of attrition with player injury's, transfers and early exits from the program.

3) I believe the real buy-in to Herman's vision is just now happening (with some early exits and players leaving because they do not see themselves contributing in Tom's vision of "Team").

4) Tom has had to contend in varying degrees with "passive/aggressive" behavior from some players and some in the press during the last recruiting season.

5) In spite of all this, as the leader of the program Tom has kept his focus on his vision and has not become lost in the blame game, trying to defend his actions, making irrational decisions on his staff or doubting his own judgement.

6) Given all the points already mentioned above, this team has actually exceeded realistic expectations in my opinion...and is I believe now developing a leadership base in the program that will engender future success.

7) The 2017 Longhorn team played 9 bowl teams and won 4 while loosing 5...but we actually had a real chance to win 4 of the 5 bowl teams we lost to...and were not that far from being an 11-2 season...we were the only team to hold OU under 30 points this year.

8) At the beginning of the year, how many of us would have believed we would play the majority of the year without both of our starting offensive tackles and would have to play in a bowl game (against an SEC team that had won 6 straight games and had scored an average of 45 points in those games) and play that bowl game without C.Williams, C.Warren, D.Elliott, H.Hill, M.Jefferson, etc. and still win the game going away?

9) Our 2018 Recruiting class would end up being #3 in the country in spite of all the above.

It is just my perspective, but I think after reflecting on the season that we are moving in the right direction and are developing a team and staff of "over achievers" who love the challenge and are starting to believe in each other.

I know we are not yet where we want to be and are not happy with the productivity in some areas (offense), but I see real reason to be excited about our Defense, Special Teams and Offense.

I for one will continue to trust Tom Herman and his judgement to make the correct and appropriate calls related to personnel and staffing. I love what Tom has done and what I see him doing to develop my Longhorn football program.

It is time for all in the program and all fans outside the program to get to thinking positively and eliminate negativism.

Just my two cents worth.


Paul S. Nichols
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I was at the Kansas game tonight. Some players did it during the player introductions and some fans did it throughout. It was pretty funny, but nothing was funnier than when another player ensured that Dylan Osetkowski's hair was 'perfect' after he was introduced.
There was obvious improvement this year. We gift wrapped most of our losses by some horrific play calling and could easily been a 9-10 win season. And all this with a 1st year coach, erratic o-line play with our best o-line player out. The bowl win was fun, great way to end the season, and badly needed for next year. The future is bright, just need to stockpile talent starting with this upcoming class.
Personally, it is my feeling that now is a proper time for the Longhorn's
fan base to take a deep breath, relax and make a realistic evaluation of year #1 of the Tom Herman era and perhaps put the 2017 season's accomplishments into proper perspective.

I am certain we all had some higher expectations and experienced some disappointments during the last season as well as some positive surprises and moments of seeing real hope for an improved future for our Longhorn Football team.

At times it was like being on a Manic-Depressive emotional roller coaster ride that brought us massive elation only to be followed by the incredibly frustrating depths of disappointment.

Like a pendulum moving from one extreme to the other it creates an environment in which it becomes very difficult to gain real perspective into where we realistically are in the development of our football program...in fact this also affects our coaches ability to gain the same realistic perspective on where we are as a football team.

This was certainly evident in Tom Herman's own shock and bewilderment right after the Texas Tech loss (I believe he was actually stunned by the outcome of that game).

So, what are we to realistically make of the 2017 season when viewed with some emotional moderation and true introspective analysis...I would offer the following:

1) We need to let Tom Herman form and shape this team into his own vision of what it should be and trust his evaluation regarding personnel utilization and the coaching capabilities of his staff...and support his efforts fully...after all this is only year one.

2) This team experienced an incredible amount of attrition with player injury's, transfers and early exits from the program.

3) I believe the real buy-in to Herman's vision is just now happening (with some early exits and players leaving because they do not see themselves contributing in Tom's vision of "Team").

4) Tom has had to contend in varying degrees with "passive/aggressive" behavior from some players and some in the press during the last recruiting season.

5) In spite of all this, as the leader of the program Tom has kept his focus on his vision and has not become lost in the blame game, trying to defend his actions, making irrational decisions on his staff or doubting his own judgement.

6) Given all the points already mentioned above, this team has actually exceeded realistic expectations in my opinion...and is I believe now developing a leadership base in the program that will engender future success.

7) The 2017 Longhorn team played 9 bowl teams and won 4 while loosing 5...but we actually had a real chance to win 4 of the 5 bowl teams we lost to...and were not that far from being an 11-2 season...we were the only team to hold OU under 30 points this year.

8) At the beginning of the year, how many of us would have believed we would play the majority of the year without both of our starting offensive tackles and would have to play in a bowl game (against an SEC team that had won 6 straight games and had scored an average of 45 points in those games) and play that bowl game without C.Williams, C.Warren, D.Elliott, H.Hill, M.Jefferson, etc. and still win the game going away?

9) Our 2018 Recruiting class would end up being #3 in the country in spite of all the above.

It is just my perspective, but I think after reflecting on the season that we are moving in the right direction and are developing a team and staff of "over achievers" who love the challenge and are starting to believe in each other.

I know we are not yet where we want to be and are not happy with the productivity in some areas (offense), but I see real reason to be excited about our Defense, Special Teams and Offense.

I for one will continue to trust Tom Herman and his judgement to make the correct and appropriate calls related to personnel and staffing. I love what Tom has done and what I see him doing to develop my Longhorn football program.

It is time for all in the program and all fans outside the program to get to thinking positively and eliminate negativism.

Just my two cents worth.


Paul S. Nichols
Agree with the basic premise and, despite what will be some set backs over the next 2 seasons (see Herman's record against the "lesser" teams), the future seems to be in good hands. 2018 will feature another season with either a sophomore or true freshman QB so mistakes on offense will still hurt.

Only issue is lack of talent or player buy-in has nothing to do with bad time management or constant coaching brain farts. Everyone wants to blame Beck, but any leader worth their salt (much less the one who installed the offense) would have stepped in and stopped what was going on early in the season. Herman has acknowledged the offense needs work. I hope he takes that to heart.

I saw that and laughed my *** off. :D

Now to be Debbie Downer.
We just finished a 7-6 season and played in the lowly Texas Bowl.
In my opinion, the only reason we reached those lofty heights (and won said Texas Bowl) was due to Todd Orlando.
Herman better split his paycheck with TO and make sure he hangs around for awhile.
Our offense was a mess for most of the season.
"We were 4 plays away from being blah, blah, blah"
"Look at he injuries and attrition, blah. blah, blah"
All things that could have been and were said about the coach Herman replaced.
Orlando lost key starters for the bowl game and didn't miss a beat.
I guess it's ironic that Orlando's performance is affecting my opinion of Herman's.
Coach up what you got.
Game plan and scheme for who you are playing.
I concede that the overall outcome is progress.
A winning season and winning a bowl game.
But I am yet to feel we are "on our way".

However, come spring the excitement will build in me again and I will start to expect 9 or 10 wins and maybe I won't be let down this time.
And then I will kneel at the alter of Herman. :)
After Tech, I wrote: The AD and Coach Herman ought to be fired if they agree to a bowl game.

If it is medium well, please pass the crow.

I'l try to act better next year. Guaranteed that I'll still bleed Burnt Orange!!!
After Tech, I wrote: The AD and Coach Herman ought to be fired if they agree to a bowl game.

If it is medium well, please pass the crow.

I'l try to act better next year. Guaranteed that I'll still bleed Burnt Orange!!!
I think all of us were disappointed, disgusted and frustrated after the tceh game. It's ironic that our first and last regular season games were our biggest letdowns. Such disappointments lead to regrettable statements. I made a lot of 'em. I didn't post them, but my dear sweet wife had to listen to my ranting. Hook 'em!
My biggest season disappointments, anger & frustration were giving away Okie Lite & Tech games.... change those: 8-4. Huge difference from 6-6.

24-23 lead in 4th squandered to ou deserves dis-honorable mention.

Anyway, my expectations are much higher for TH and the Horns in 2018.

Happy New Year errbody!! :fiestanana:
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Now for me to be get Debbie downer as well... no signature wins and failed to win more than two games in a row again. Mizoo was a good win but meaningless unless we build on it. This was the hallmark of the Strong era: get a decent win or two but fail to build on it by backsliding to losing ways ... in so far as I can tell that has not changed.

Recruiting class is looking good, but I am not getting carried away over this little bowl win
Now for me to be get Debbie downer as well... no signature wins and failed to win more than two games in a row again. Mizoo was a good win but meaningless unless we build on it. This was the hallmark of the Strong era: get a decent win or two but fail to build on it by backsliding to losing ways ... in so far as I can tell that has not changed.

Recruiting class is looking good, but I am not getting carried away over this little bowl win

Count me in as a bah humbug guy as well. Nice to win, but Mizzou looked out of sorts, esp on offense. Losing heupel probably hurt more than they thought.

They talked trash, talked a big game, laid an egg. But as a Horn fan I can't say we took much from it. Maybe I can ask Conner, Elliott, Jefferson if they thought it was an important game / win. Yes, it still bugs me they turned their backs on this game
Count me in as a bah humbug guy as well. Nice to win, but Mizzou looked out of sorts, esp on offense. Losing heupel probably hurt more than they thought.
They talked trash, talked a big game, laid an egg. But as a Horn fan I can't say we took much from it. Maybe I can ask Conner, Elliott, Jefferson if they thought it was an important game / win. Yes, it still bugs me they turned their backs on this game
I am still not sold on TH as a game day coach. Hope he learns from his mistakes in 2017 and is better in 2018. I have No doubt he took a dose of humility this past season. I am hoping that will pave the way for better decisions on the fly during games. Plus I hope he lightens up on the players because this game is supposed to be fun. I do like his recruitIng prowess thus far however.
Count me in as a bah humbug guy as well. Nice to win, but Mizzou looked out of sorts, esp on offense. Losing heupel probably hurt more than they thought.

They talked trash, talked a big game, laid an egg. But as a Horn fan I can't say we took much from it. Maybe I can ask Conner, Elliott, Jefferson if they thought it was an important game / win. Yes, it still bugs me they turned their backs on this game
Jefferson suited and tried to go, and was on the sideline with his teammates. I appreciate that from him. I have wondered if the other two observed how much fun their former teammates had playing/winning that game and regretted their decision to sit it out.
Jefferson suited and tried to go, and was on the sideline with his teammates. I appreciate that from him. I have wondered if the other two observed how much fun their former teammates had playing/winning that game and regretted their decision to sit it out.
Not in this me, myself and I generation.