A case of police brutality


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This sort of thing happens more than people would like to believe. The following is a case of a 40 year old woman brought in for DWI. The woman refused to take a breath test while on surveillance camera. The policeman threw her against the wall then turned off the surveillance camera, when the camera was tuned back on she was lying in a pool of blood, had a busted cheek bone and broken teeth. the feds are now involved.
The Link
Certainly a lesson on how not to act, for sure. She's definitely annoying.

But up until 11:50 and on (where the tape shuts off, and then comes back on with her lying in a pool of blood), there is nothing that warrants what she got.
Seems you missed the cop bashing thread that already posted that video (by Jt09). And I'm not saying I condone the actions of this low life. Just that all LEO's aren't the same as this scumbag.

What does it have to do with what I said? I saw the video. I agree he did do the bashing and its disgusting! I was simply refering to the other posters who put all cops in the same category as this pos.
1. that cop should have called in one or two more officers when she began to repeatedly try to leave and not cooperate.

2. that pic could be from a broken nose. the black eyes do not indicate NECESSARILY that she was hit in the eye area. likely slammed up against the wall, to subdue her.

3. And this is the big one. WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE VIDEO CUTTING OUT RIGHT BEFORE SHE IS SHOWN LYING THERE? did the department edit that out for their own investigation?

The entire footage better ******* exist and better be preserved or they will pay dearly for this entire episode.
Please let's not turn this into a political fight. I have several friends in law enforcement at many levels and they will attest that their profession draws the wrong kind of element. This happens. When it does, the ******** need to be weeded out as it reflects badly on a largely decent, dedicated group of professionals.
It does happen more than folks think, but that doesn't mean it happens quite often. The ratio of this sort of thing happening and legit treatment is very, very insignificant.

By the way, there's some magic language in that story that put's the Shreveport PD on the hook for this as a civil rights violation. Anyone see it?
ATX I agree wholeheartedly! Where are all the links to storys of when a cop risked his/her life or worse, died while saving others? Most posters from the previous thread intended to portray all cops in a negative way! All one sided!
The very fact that this happened puts the responsibility on the officer. No argument. He had her in his care, custody and control. By that definition her very well being is his sole responsibility and noone else's

After the first physical contact drew blood from her mouth or lip, I would have pulled in another officer, preferrably a female.
They are honorable people and it sucks this happened.

They ALL should not be painted with the broad brush.
him turning the camera off = case closed.

he has no valid argument that his force was reasonable or anything. if he acted appropriately, he had no reason to turn the camera off. a jury would light that city's *** up.

it would take a huge offer for me to not take that video in front of 12 people.
A few thoughts:

1. Clearly, cops have a job which is at times very difficult.
2. Cops sometimes step over the line, just as employees in any business do.
3. That woman was behaving like an idiot.
4. If this guy turned off the camera, he should not benefit from the doubt he created.

This is heartbreaking. That woman was out of line, but her fault and his fault are not mutually exclusive. It's very hard to understand what she could have done to have deserved a broken face. This is especially true given the lack of video evidence.

Get some more cops in there and control the situation like a professional.

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