2009 Recruiting


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Well, as we all always look to the future, I thought I'd start a thread to discuss 2009 recruits. With Arriaran most likely redshirting, it looks like we'll have 3 scholarships available.

Obviously, everyone knows about 6'5 Kelsey Bone of Sugar Land Dulles.

Jerry Scarbrough of TrueOrange Newsletter reported a while back that 6'4 Nikki Greene of Diboll is down to Texas and Texas Tech.

I've heard conflicting reports about 6'4 Cokie Reed of Waco Midway, but I'd like to think we're under consideration.

With 2 posts leaving next year (Cook and Lindsey), one would have to think we're targeting 2 posts to replace them.

Other than that, I have no idea who our 3rd target might be. I'd like for us to be be targeting a Heather Schreiber type player. I believe there's a player in Montana who is considering us.

Anyone else have anything to contribute at this time?

The Link
We need another ball handler. I think this will be a good time for them to come in and let Cortijo take them under her wing.
i'll say one thing, if there are any recruits who wonder what our staff can do to develop post players just take a look at the improvement of ashley lindsey in just a few short months. i expect she'll be really tough next year. sure would like to have a kelsey bone, cokie reed, and nikki green to work with. imagine the potential. i tip my hat to the staff for player development
I agree. It is amazing to see the improvement in Ashley since the beginning of the season. She has had some really good games the last few - even despite the bumping around down there.

Really impressive development. Great job Ashley! Great job Coaches!
Yes, Ashley is looking much, much better. Why she even smiles on occasions. Hew hook has improved and her shot blocking is becoming one of the best we have even had. She is getting respect from the other teams as she is oft double teamed. It is apparent that the DT frustrates her because she hasn't the freedom to roam where she wants to go. She hasn't been able to break for the long pass lately either. Yes, Ashley is becoming a good post for the 'Horns. Way to go Ash!!!
Shanay Washington of Del Valle is a local kid to keep an eye on. Don't think she's played so far this season as she's been recovering from a knee injury . . .
I noticed Washington wasn't playing, but I didn't know why. I keep looking for her in the Del Valle box scores but have not seen her listed yet.
Maybe she was wearing a UT shirt.
I always thought that the Horns had a very good chance to sign Reed, still do. There's several outstanding post players in Texas next year, Reed, Green, Bone, and that 6-9 player that has verbaled to Baylor, to name the more well known ones.
Leave it to bularry to talk out of his a_ _ .

If Cokie was here on Wendesday night (as stated by another poster), it would be pretty telling that she chose to drive down to Austin (on a school night) to watch Texas play Iowas State instead of staying home in Waco to watch Baylor play against Kansas.

Here's what happened this summer at the Baylor camp . . .

The Link
thanks, moo. i'd read that particular thread before, and was looking for it again to post the link to it along with the other i posted. but i didn't have the patience to sift through all of the baylor threads to find it, so i gave up. interesting thread...

i certainly hope that cokie reed is giving us consideration. she is a great athlete and, from what i've been able to follow of her, tends to play her best games against the better competition. delissa gross also seems to be a really good player for midway.
Cokie and her folks WERE here at the game last Wed, BTW.

Why would she want to go to Baylor after that cluster-f__k in Waco last summer??

At least Reed is familiar with this coaching staff as she attended this summer camp. I think any of the posts coming here will have an opportunity to have an immediate impact and a lot of playing time.
leave it to orangefan, potroast, sim111 to stir up negative stories about Baylor and Kim. You're too stupid to be a coach at Baylor, get over it.

didn't the a&m coaches tell you to lay off the BBB rumors and spreading false accusations? go back to hoopgurlz so you can preach to your cronies. and congrats on a&m's 1-3 start to conference.

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