2/3 of Americans, 1/2 of GOP Blame economy on Bush

Most polls that include "Americans" and "economy" point to one thing. Americans don't know **** about how the economy works.

However, this does seem to give obama some breathing room on the economy. I still think we are going to have to see progress for him to get reelected. Americans may not blame him for the economy but may also not think he is the guy to fix it based on the last four years.
We elected a guy who'd never run so much as a lemonade stand to be President of the United States.

Sadly, Americans as a whole are just not very bright. So this poll surprises me not at all.
As all of us know in this forum, the Housing Bubble bursting is the root cause and we can take that back to Bill Clinton and sub prime mortgages.

Obama will not be re-elected, it's the economy stupid!
We need leadership in the worst way. Running around the country blaming (a very gracious) former president is called chickensheet, not leadership.
mcbrett, any thoughts on why the writer might have chosen to lead with the "blame Bush" angle, when the poll he sites also says that more than half the people surveyed also blame Obama? Isn't that a little more relevant to the election?

Oh right, what was I thinking... blaming Bush is the most important talking point in this election, so it's laughable to think that half the country placing blame on Obama would have any relevance to whether they'll actually vote for him.
100% probably blame Obama for the lack of a substantial recovery. What's your point? Well....at 100% of the people that actually know anything about anything.
so the bottom ignorant half. Sad part is the current POTUS is amongst the ignorant. he still blames it on Bush, yet he keeps and ESCALATES the same policies bush used that allegedly got us into the mess in th efirst place. They you have the bootlickers who think this skid mark is the allesome.
Oh yeah, who can forget those evil, horrible, disgraceful, disgusting Bush tax cuts.......that Obama extended.

And folks are still buying the Hype.
Remember, he only extended them when he decided that they weren't actually "just for the wealthy". When he ran for president, they were taxes for the rich, then they became taxes for the middle class and were necessary to keep the economy going, and lately they've gone back to being "for the rich".
So many who answered tht poll thought Bush deserved the blame and not quite as many thought BO deserved the blame

so who will the people be able to vote for or against? Not Bush, he isn't running
BO is and unless things turn around significantly his share of the blame won't go down and likely will go up

So will the people who give BO a pretty good share of the blame vote for him?

I am sure mcBrett posted this as a Look Look it is Bush's fault.
Too bad Bush isn't running

if it is all Bush's fault what does it say about BO that he hasn't improved or undone anything bush did? BO has only made it worse.

I am not sure that is a poll to delight BO supporters.
Clearly it's much harder to run a lemonade store than to be governor of California or Texas.

That comment is just idiotic. It's one thing to say that you didn't like Bush or Reagan, but to say that Obama's resume compares with either of theirs is laughable.
BI loves to drag Republicans down to Obama's level and tell us they are somehow equally incompetent / culpable.

Everyone should ignore mcbrett's questions and reread Prod's posts.
I would think Mitt Romney is more relevant to the discussion than GWB. I'm no big fan of Mitt but he does have a track record of two things that Obama has no clue about:

1) Working with the opposing party.
2) Fixing budgets.

How in the hell does someone take a President seriously that cannot pass a budget in three and a half years?

Yes, I understand that budgets are the job of congress, which is the reason for point #1 above. Hell he hardly needed that in his first 2 years.
B I - citing your perceived lack of experience is really pathetic.
Leaving out college achievements:

Reagan - Governor of a fairly large state. GHW Bush - US Congressman, UN Ambassador, CIA director, VP. GW - Governor of a fairly large state.

BO - community organizer. Part-time Law Lecturer.

Bevo, sometimes you seem quite reasonable and then you do things like comparing Obama's resume to Reagan's and Bush's. Are you for real or did you just forget that they had much more impressive resumes?
What else should we expect from the general public? From 2008 through today the overwhelming majority of media outlets have continued the narrative of blaming bush for every economic woe Americans have felt. The president inserts direct and indirect comments into most speeches, which are covered on every major tv station.

Bush deserves blame for the economic state of 2008 and 2009. Then Obama deserves blame for stunting the recovery and lighting trillions of taxpayers' dollars on fire. They both deserve credit/blame for being unbelievably irresponsible as the polls more or less show.

The polls might not be as accurate as many in this thread believe but overall this is categorically underwhelming news.
I count 5 or 6 posts who call the American public stupid because of the results of this poll. Yet this SAME American public also, and recently, voted in a Conservative majority in the House (2010), and a Conservative President in 2000 (well, sorta!) and 2004. So, how can the public be both stupid and Liberal but also vote Conservative in the same time period?

OR, instead do people here just get frustrated and result to insults when people don't agree with them??? Hmmm, me thinks its the latter.
Bush inherited the Dot-com bust followed by the 9/11 attacks that crippled our economy for a time, but it got it turned around rather quickly, doing what he could to help business.

Obama is anti-business. Thus, minimal turnaround. Pretty simple really.
Obamacare will be ruled on this week with most predicting all or most of it rejected, unemployment remains above 8.2%, stock markets are on edge, and Greece's economic collapse will further slow our economy.

Obama will need more than one poll that does not compare him to Bush to convince people he needs to be re-elected.

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