1310 Ticket-Greggo resigned officially


100+ Posts
I quickly scanned the threads and didn't see a posting of the fact that Greggo from 1310 The Ticket's Hardline officially resigned yesterday, so he is gone. (in Dallas)

I've heard tidbits about his issues, but does anyone have the scoop on what the truth is?Greggo resigned
Speaking of Greggo, did anybody else hear Gordo's fake greggo the other morning. He did the "do you like this gig?" exchange with the fake Wade Phillips at a press conference. I thought it was absolutely hilarious.
Saw in the DMN this morning where the Hardline lost in the Q4 ratings to Randy Galloway. That is not a good sign for the Ticket.
when Mike was talking about the ratings he was only talking about men aged 25-54. I guess GAC had more female listners as the DMN article refrenced All listeners
PD, sorry I made you look it up.

I don't think qualifying victories has been the case in the past for the Hardline. I hope they can find an interesting replacement for the drive home.
Men 25-54 is all that matters to radio stations in their format. Advertisers do not give a damn about anyone that does not fit in that demo.
It's true that M25-54 is their core demo but they'd like to do well w/ M18-49 abd M18-34 too.

They might be doing fine in those too but to say that M25-54 is ALL that matters seems inacurate. Of course, I haven't sold advertising in 10+ years so i could be completely off base.
GAC is one of those programs I can only take for a couple of minutes. Galloway and the Little Ball of Hate are a little too over the top for me. As for The Hardline, they won't be able to replace Greggo...and I think that spot will lose more and more of their audience. I was one of those diehard Hardline listeners...but without Greggo it's just not the same.
I've been listening to more GAC lately and liking it. The problem with the Ticket is that they try too hard to be funny, when the only guy at the station with talent is Gordon Keith. He is both funny and very talented. But damn, crap like the Emergency Break of the Week is moronic. What a waste. And then there are the 20 minute segments when the Musers talk about their Christmas experiences as a kid. Wow, great radio. Not to mention their vacation experiences. Now that is hillarity at its best. Corbie can be funny at time especially when he did stuff like the "overcusser". But if Corbie is going to be a mainstay on the Hardline, then they need to get more creative with getting more women on the air to be asked about their bra sizes and how they lost their virginity, because its pretty weak now. And the amount of time they spent on the psycho musician who was shot when trying to break into someone's apartment was ridiculous. It was like they were paying homage to Mick Jagger or someone. If I were station manager, Gordo would be the top paid guy on that station after Norm, who actually knows something about sports.
True, The Ticket isn't a true all-sports station, but I think that helps them because, to be honest, I don't know that I'd want to listen to all sports all the time on the radio; mixing in some of that other "guy talk" helps to keep things varied, and, at the very least, they have Norm as their all-sports "specialist."

(And could someone explain the story behind the name "Little Ball of Hate"?)

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