The Democratic Primary

Are you sure??? I thought the absurd civil judgment was for defamation.
And this from a girl who posted ‘rape is sexy’.

civil cases do not speak of 'guilt' or 'innocence'" but instead "use the language 'liable' or 'not liable,'

Deez. I Do understand what you are saying.
The jury specifically did not find that rape occurred, even civilly.
Despite Carroll's claims that Trump had raped her, they noted, the jury stopped short of saying he committed that particular offense. Instead, jurors opted for a second option: sexual abuse.

Deez is technically correct but it smells like ********.
It smells like ******** because it IS ********. E. Jean Carroll is a liar.
One wonders why after voluntarily walking into a Women's dressing room in the middle of the day (some unspecified day month year) one would not call for help if one was being forced in an inappropriate sexual encounter. No living person would believe the 2 were completely alone in a dressing room in a dept store in the middle of the day in midtown Manhattan.
Only a fool or a Demx would think Trump forced his finger in her .
Such BS.Nothing political about verdict
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Democrat on the ballot for President in November:

M. Obama............15%
K Harris...............5%
H Clinton..............1%
Somebody Else.....5%

Wow, think about those candidates. What a bench of losers!

Why is Michelle Obama even on the list? Give me a break. She HATES America!

She would need a lobotomy to even CONSIDER a run for POTUS!
Are you sure??? I thought the absurd civil judgment was for defamation.
And this from a girl who posted ‘rape is sexy’.

civil cases do not speak of 'guilt' or 'innocence'" but instead "use the language 'liable' or 'not liable,'

Deez. I Do understand what you are saying.

I practiced this area of law for 10 years. Yes, I am sure, and I know that a civil case does not use terms like "guilty" or "innocence." But do you know what it suggests to normal people? It suggests that more likely than not (or to use the exact language, "by a preponderance of the evidence"), he did what he was accused of doing.

Do I personally think Carroll's case is worth a damn? No. I've made that very clear. I wouldn't have taken her case at all and definitely wouldn't have taken it in a contingency fee basis. (Her legal costs were bankrolled by a Democratic donor, so I presume her lawyers didn't take it on a contingency fee.) All the weak points everybody here has pointed out about her case are true.

But like most of you, I've actually read up on the case and know how weak the evidence was and how unseriously Trump took the case and therefore how unlikely it is that he truly was guilty of sexual abuse. But your independent, suburban swing voters aren't going to do that. They're going to hear from the media that he was found to have sexually abused someone and play the audio of him bragging about doing that same thing. The fact that Republicans are going to have to explain away crap like this is why he's a stupid choice in the primary, but most of our primary voters are either not thinking this far ahead or are thinking that all voters are going to have read and heard what they've read and heard.
I practiced this area of law for 10 years. Yes, I am sure, and I know that a civil case does not use terms like "guilty" or "innocence." But do you know what it suggests to normal people? It suggests that more likely than not (or to use the exact language, "by a preponderance of the evidence"), he did what he was accused of doing.

Do I personally think Carroll's case is worth a damn? No. I've made that very clear. I wouldn't have taken her case at all and definitely wouldn't have taken it in a contingency fee basis. (Her legal costs were bankrolled by a Democratic donor, so I presume her lawyers didn't take it on a contingency fee.) All the weak points everybody here has pointed out about her case are true.

But like most of you, I've actually read up on the case and know how weak the evidence was and how unseriously Trump took the case and therefore how unlikely it is that he truly was guilty of sexual abuse. But your independent, suburban swing voters aren't going to do that. They're going to hear from the media that he was found to have sexually abused someone and play the audio of him bragging about doing that same thing. The fact that Republicans are going to have to explain away crap like this is why he's a stupid choice in the primary, but most of our primary voters are either not thinking this far ahead or are thinking that all voters are going to have read and heard what they've read and heard.
I think you read my post wrong. I didnt intend to make you mad. I did clean from your post that you somewhat agreed with the absurdity of the verdict, so no intended disrespect on my part.
I think you read my post wrong. I didnt intend to make you mad. I did clean from your post that you somewhat agreed with the absurdity of the verdict, so no intended disrespect on my part.

You didn't make me mad, and I didn't take your post as disrespect. It's all good. And yes, the verdict was absurd. Would it have made a difference had Trump defended himself a bit more? Maybe. He sorta half-assed his defense, but he was also in a tough venue (Southern District of New York - better than state court would have been but still liberal-leaning). He was in front of a Democratic judge. He isn't a particularly liberal judge, but he certainly didn't do Trump any favours.
You didn't make me mad, and I didn't take your post as disrespect. It's all good. And yes, the verdict was absurd. Would it have made a difference had Trump defended himself a bit more? Maybe. He sorta half-assed his defense, but he was also in a tough venue (Southern District of New York - better than state court would have been but still liberal-leaning). He was in front of a Democratic judge. He isn't a particularly liberal judge, but he certainly didn't do Trump any favours.
To say he isn’t a particularly liberal judge is absurd.
No my apologies, but I think it is a stretch to find any judge in New York as not particularly liberal.
Ain't it beee....uuuuu....ti....ful!!! They are now looking at least-bad choices.

1. stay w/ Biden - no matter what interviews he does, unless he can get back on stage with DJT and go toe-to-toe, he is greatly diminished as a candidate.
2. Anybody besides J.B. - they immediately lose the "saving democracy" narrative, and maybe the ability to be on all tickets.
2a. Harris - save the black/female vote but lose in credibility on all issues besides abortion
2b. Whitmer - skip Harris=black anger....lose much of the black vote, maybe for multiple cycles
2c. Newsome - definitely lose black vote, maybe female vote. CA is the worst example of progressive policies
2d. Michelle Obama - no experience at all. Never, ever, ever been voted to any position....Ever. smacks of cronyism. will lend credence to the narrative that the Biden presidency really was just Obama-light.
Michelle Obama has already tweeted she is not interested.
I hope she's not a liar because she's the only one that could beat Trump if you believe the polls. Most just think they would just be getting Obama again. But she would certainly take the award for lowest IQ and least qualified ever.

Can you imagine the US being attacked including a international crisis with MO as president? Say goodbye to the US.
YEAH, Dems options are breathtaking bad to behold: :dumpster:

I think the momentum from the left will eventually cause Joe to cave and agree to step aside and the Dems will go with Kamala. That way she gets to use all the campaign $ that Joe raised. Joe my .02
Ain't it beee....uuuuu....ti....ful!!! They are now looking at least-bad choices.

1. stay w/ Biden - no matter what interviews he does, unless he can get back on stage with DJT and go toe-to-toe, he is greatly diminished as a candidate.
2. Anybody besides J.B. - they immediately lose the "saving democracy" narrative, and maybe the ability to be on all tickets.
2a. Harris - save the black/female vote but lose in credibility on all issues besides abortion
2b. Whitmer - skip Harris=black anger....lose much of the black vote, maybe for multiple cycles
2c. Newsome - definitely lose black vote, maybe female vote. CA is the worst example of progressive policies
2d. Michelle Obama - no experience at all. Never, ever, ever been voted to any position....Ever. smacks of cronyism. will lend credence to the narrative that the Biden presidency really was just Obama-light.
Scary prospect floated in a discussion elsewhere...Beta has been remaining quiet to be put up as Newsom without the Commiefornia baggage. Theory was less baggage while keeping the pink hair voters that don't know what a woman is...
Scary prospect floated in a discussion elsewhere...Beta has been remaining quiet to be put up as Newsom without the Commiefornia baggage. Theory was less baggage while keeping the pink hair voters that don't know what a woman is...

"I'm back"

"Voters of the swing state of Nevada, please allow me to introduce myself.

I am 'Bet - 0', as in bet on zero on the roulette wheel."
Question if Biden drops out on his own doesn't that mean he has or they determine he is not fit to be president? and Harris is up. This will be interesting won't happen.
For whatever reason(s), the Democratic donor establishment just can't get enough of Beto O'Rourke. It's gonna be a fun race if Beto somehow slides into the Presidential candidate slot.
"Voters of the swing state of Nevada, please allow me to introduce myself.

I am 'Bet - 0', as in bet on zero on the roulette wheel."
View attachment 10018
Speaking of the now swing-state of Nevada. It was very solid GOP forever, with a blend of Mormons, miners, cattlemen, and free-wheeling casino operators and their minions.

Then, over the past 20 years or so, the worst side of the utter insane stupidity of Hawaii politics has moved in with about 100,000 or so islander transplants, and made it's new home on the "9th island" --> Las Vegas. Their political mindset goes back to the sugar plantation days on Hawaii, and is based on splitting up what they believe to be a fixed sized pie, ethnic rivalries, over-regulation, a bloated state government that functions as a jobs program for those that barely work, and overwhelming support for unions. Fertile fields for the Democratic Party.
I hope she's not a liar because she's the only one that could beat Trump if you believe the polls. Most just think they would just be getting Obama again. But she would certainly take the award for lowest IQ and least qualified ever.

Can you imagine the US being attacked including a international crisis with MO as president? Say goodbye to the US.
Would we not just be getting Obama in that scenario? She's unqualified so wouldn't she ask Barack what to do?

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