Political Random Thoughts


Starting this thread for comments that are random and that doesn't fit in any other topics.

I'm thinking about Nancy Pelosi's recent comments and how her and all the others are still going with the race card, war on women and etc.... that people seem to be getting tired of. Normally when a political party gets their a$$ handed to them they tend to move back toward the middle somewhat. This group of politicians the left have now are about as dumb as a tree stump (no offense to the tree stump). They are too stupid to see or know what America wants at this time. They are doubling down on stupidity. The Democratic Party is in the biggest mess right now and they don't know what to do but follow the divisiveness that they learned from Obama. It's good for the Republicans though. :yes:
Starting this thread for comments that are random and that doesn't fit in any other topics.

I'm thinking about Nancy Pelosi's recent comments and how her and all the others are still going with the race card, war on women and etc.... that people seem to be getting tired of. Normally when a political party gets their a$$ handed to them they tend to move back toward the middle somewhat. This group of politicians the left have now are about as dumb as a tree stump (no offense to the tree stump). They are too stupid to see or know what America wants at this time. They are doubling down on stupidity. The Democratic Party is in the biggest mess right now and they don't know what to do but follow the divisiveness that they learned from Obama. It's good for the Republicans though. :yes:
They'll stick with it for a while. They've got a young generation that has been fed this line for most of their development. Those lessons are hard to unlearn. Couple that with a grip on media and even corporate leadership now and they have quite the institutional foundation. They will continue to tell themselves it was/is all about the messaging. They didn't tell their story well enough. They will not accept that the underlying premise of their story is faulty, it is just a matter of using better wording.
Gen Z patriotism is at a record low — and here’s why no one should be surprised (msn.com)

Democrats have captured education for years and have nurtured the anti-America sentiment. Those beliefs once embedded are difficult to modify. So there is a wave of young people coming that will become future voters. Couple that with demographic shifts and democrats may have a strong base of believers coming their way. If conservatives want to stem this, we must regain our footing in:
1. Media (MSM and SocMed) - not only is it a huge influencer, it is how many young learn their "facts".
2. Education - It is really hard to undue values and beliefs you've been taught for 12+ years, even when those data points are refuted
3. Hollywood/Etc - They have long been in the liberal camp but they increasingly see their fame as a platform for politics as well. We need conservative content producers to achieve a critical mass to equal Hollywood
Here's a random thought. I'm actually in Lille, France right now. We're visiting Ypres, Belgium and the American Flanders Field Cemetery tomorrow (a little WWI history for Deez, Jr.) this week. But I wanted to tune into the UK election coverage since it's their Election Day. Not a friggin' thing on any news channels. The reason - until the polls close, it's illegal. Wow.
Votes not yet counted, but an exit poll has been released. Huge likely win for Labour. Two silver linings. First, Nigel Farage's party will pick up some seats. Second, the Scottish National Party got its *** kicked. Labour is bad, but the SNP is definitely worse.

There's an old adage from my era - "If you're not a liberal at age 25, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative at age 35, you have no brain." Hopefully as these new adults take their place in the workforce and start to raise families and see the impact of big government on their finances, they will see the light.

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