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The Debate Trump vs Biden

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by humahuma, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    I'd like to think even Biden's/Demx base doesn't really believe that but sadly you are right.
    They were waiting for a spin and will accept this one
    But what about the nationally known who have called on slojo to not run?
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  2. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    The decision is ultimately Joe Biden's. My sister is a nurse and tells me thiose in cognitive decline are the last to recognize it. Is Biden going to listen to the New York Times or to Jill, Hunter and the sycophants?
  3. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    I am just a little under his age and not so far along but I notice my own decline daily. So does he

    the thing I find remarkable is that it took that debate for so many to realize he is vegetative. I have been referring to him as Chance the Gardener for five years. For those of you who don’t catch the reference, go to YouTube and punch up Peter Sellers in Being There

    I still wait for Trumpies to catch on to what a malignant narcissist he is, even by Ivy League standards
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Unfortunately for your opinion, we have actual data from 2017-2020: it was pretty good for the country, particularly compared to Biden’s performance. Also, if the morons didn’t succumb to media brainwashing and voted Trump out in 2020, he would have been a lame duck in 2022. Also, if Biden didn’t select a DEI hire in 2020, we would be having a different conversation. Everyone blames Trump and never themselves or others.
  5. lkainer

    lkainer 500+ Posts

    Jill Biden's delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle

    Good article on slojo and Dr jill.

    "Now they claim Joe crashed and burned in the debate because Donald Trump is a liar and Biden is too honest. They’re trying to portray Joe, a pathological liar, as a truth-teller.

    Sure, Trump exaggerates — his crowds are the biggest, his economy was the best, the typical braggadocio of a Queens property developer.

    But as Scott Adams, the author and cartoonist, says on X, “Trump’s hyperbole is directionally accurate and benign. Biden’s lies (Fine People Hoax, J6 insurrection Hoax, stealing your democracy, dictator for a day) are dangerous.”

    Joe and his boosters pretend that he is “decent” while Trump is morally deranged. Yet Trump has five well-adjusted adult children who adore him, while Biden’s two adult children are drug addicts, and Hunter got his widowed sister-in-law hooked on crack when he had an affair with her.

    No happy family has to stage constant public displays of affection.

    No “honest Joe” is involved in habitual lies, plagiarism and corruption.

    No “modest Joe,” the “poorest man in Congress,” lives in a DuPont mansion with a ballroom or a custom-built mansion on a lake in Chateau country in Greenville, Del., or pays cash for a beach house in Rehoboth.

    Everything Joe has ever told you about himself for 50 years is a lie."
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    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 11:50 AM
  6. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Is there anything you like about what the malignant narcissist did in his term. Anything good for the country?
  7. BrntOrngStmpeDe

    BrntOrngStmpeDe 1,000+ Posts

    This might be too cynical, but i think it is strategy. Dem's will have to circle the wagons to avoid the call for 25th A. "No, Biden does not need to be removed because he is fully capable.". But if they got out and say that, then it will be hard for them to circumvent him at the convention and still hold onto the "we're saving democracy" line. You can't "save democracy" by intentionally circumventing the democratic process. It also makes him a bit weaker with Exec. Orders he might try to shove through at the last minute.

    At the end of the day, the election will still be within 4-5% points, but I do think this performance by Biden was enough to swing 3-4% to Trump.
  8. Gylcomer

    Gylcomer 500+ Posts

    Great Movie. Sellers best by far
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    I like his Supreme Court nominees very much

    I like what he said about limiting immigration. Except he lied about Mexico building the beautiful wall and about the crime rate among the wretched coming over.
    I like tax cuts

    I liked a lot of the message but the messenger is a bombastic know nothing whose flippant ideas about global matters are dangerous in themselves and encouraging to some bad actors.
  10. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    I appreciate your honesty in recognizing the good he did for our country
    Maybe you can conside the good for our country might outweigh dislike of personality
  11. BrntOrngStmpeDe

    BrntOrngStmpeDe 1,000+ Posts

    I think that debate was a "cross your fingers and hope for the best" moment for Biden's advisors. They knew the age issue was creeping into the race more and more and they did not have Covid as an excuse to keep Biden in the basement this time. They were going to have to trot him out in real live discussion at some point. They thought they could control the timing of the event and the tempo of the exchange to give their guy his best shot. Even all that maneuvering wasn't sufficient.

    Biden wasn't really capable last time around, but he is really a hollowed-out parrot now.

    DJT is an awful debater, but all he had to do was not come off as hateful and bombastic. Fortunately for GOP, the auto-clock and mute button helped with this.

    First time I've liked something about CNN in years.:smile1:
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  12. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    This is true. As an example, my father-in-law thought he could drive several years after we took his keys away (and he had forgotten we did that). It brought him comfort to see his car in the driveway, so that's where it stayed most of the time.

    To further flesh out the story, he lived in our house from the day my mother-in-law died until he required 24/7 care for his dementia, so I got a particularly up close look at one man's descent. I saw it in Joe when he was running in 2020, and, should you wish, you can probably look up my posts from then to verify this claim.
  13. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    I know it was sad and demanding but you did a wonderful thing . I am know your father in law was better off with you and his daughter.

    I hope Slojo is getting good care But as they keep trotting him out in pressure situations it has to be accelerating his dementia.
  14. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Interesting! I like that movie.

    There's another perspective that Chance the Gardiner was not some sort of idiot who just happened to always be at the right place at the right time. Rather, by distilling everything (including highly complex dynamics) down to the kindergarten level, Chance the Gardiner was actually on a higher plane of mentality and existence than logical/analytical post-modern mankind. [SORT OF SPOILER ALERT] I think that's what the film maker was getting at when Chance the Gardiner literally walked on water at the end. Or maybe it was a "get back to the basics" movie, or a critique of complex/impersonal/often-hostile post-modern society...?

    Slow Joe, on the other hand, is just plain senile.
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    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 4:55 PM
  15. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    This from WSJ has odd sentence. Did they even read it.
    "The fallout from last week’s presidential debate has thrust the Democratic Party into a spiraling crisis. Yet many in the party view the current reckoning as sadly inevitable—the product of years of defensive refusal by the president and his protective inner circle to acknowledge the decline in Biden’s public presentation that has long been obvious to voters.
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  16. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Obvious to voters who haven’t succumbed to brainwashing from the media.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    One irony is that among the 72 percent of America's who think Biden lacks the mental competence to handle the job of President are a significant percentage who will vote for him over Trump.
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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2024 at 7:47 AM
  18. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    I think that says more about the voters (being brainwashed) than about Trump.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. lkainer

    lkainer 500+ Posts

    Tds. People who believe cnn, msnbc, and mainstream media

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  21. BrntOrngStmpeDe

    BrntOrngStmpeDe 1,000+ Posts

    Most people vote along party lines. probably 75-80% of the voting public does this in the head-to-head in a Dem vs. GOP. The only time "the person" matters to most people is in the primaries. I really wanted Haley, but since my only GOP choice is now DJT...it will be DJT. Even though I don't really care for him as a person or as a leader. It really is crazy but the millions of dollars spent is really chasing that slim 10-12% of the public that isn't already firmly in the GOP or Dem camp. It really is not surprising given how far apart the two parties have become over the last 30 years. If you are conservative there is very little a dem can say or do to win your vote and the same goes for libs. Even now after Manchin and Fetterman have said and done some pretty reasonable and almost conservative things, I'd be hard-pressed to vote for either if there was someone else in the race that had an R after their name.
  22. nashhorn

    nashhorn 5,000+ Posts

    If the candidate had an R after but not DjT in front of it it would be a landslide.
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  23. VYFan

    VYFan 2,500+ Posts

    Are you expecting the congressional races to be a landslide?
  24. Garmel

    Garmel 5,000+ Posts

    It still might be a landslide.
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  25. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    IT'S a,good thing for moderates that Trump is at the top of the GOP. ticket. He excites the right wing base but scares everyone else.
  26. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

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  27. VYFan

    VYFan 2,500+ Posts

    Wow. That is some powerful testimony. They could just run that unedited as a campaign ad.
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  28. guy4321

    guy4321 2,500+ Posts

  29. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

  30. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Except she still thinks Trump is racist but she understands Biden raised gas prices

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