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~ Dion

Watching ou - secsecsec roll-out:

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by 1sahorn, Jul 1, 2024 at 6:41 PM.

  1. 1sahorn

    1sahorn 1,000+ Posts

    ...it is hilariously inferior to what happened in Austin yesterday.
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  2. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    Being a billion dollars in debt tends to hamstring party money. :lmao:
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  4. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Walking Boss

    Walking Boss 2,500+ Posts

    $ec thought they knew money and power. They are about to find out about real money and power. Sark said you may have talent or you may have culture. But talent with culture, watch out. CdC with money --- watch out. Be afraid $ec, be very afraid.
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  6. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Appears to me that the line to have your picture made with Bevo had more people than the entire Mobilehoma "celebration". Obviously, Castiglione should have displayed a large copy of a check with the amount of money this means to their program.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  7. nashhorn

    nashhorn 5,000+ Posts

    Well at least the line for a Fletcher’s was not long - not when I was there anyway. Good stuff!
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  8. Dionysus

    Dionysus Idoit Admin

    Don’t they have a credit card?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Come on man, you know sooner don't have no credit... ou did a pay-day loan for the $billion!

    Poor Brokelahoma and Jimboaggy have HUGE debt problems for the foreseeable future.
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    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 3:40 PM
  10. WJHorn

    WJHorn 100+ Posts

    • Funny Funny x 6
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  11. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

    • Funny Funny x 3
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  12. 1sahorn

    1sahorn 1,000+ Posts

    Dozens & dozens of people; well, maybe dozens; errr, maybe a dozen or so!?!?
    • Funny Funny x 2
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 4:37 PM
  13. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    That fake ou celebration had a real impressive and enthusiastic crowd! Plus none of those adults could dance worth a ****!! :yikes:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 8:48 PM
  14. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Has OU ever celebrated anything in Norman without Barry & a few former players in attendance? Where was Castiglione? I looked but never saw Bosworth at ours. That video looked more like the grand opening of a new truck stop on I-35 or the crowd for half price day at Turner Falls.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  15. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    The ou to SEC buffet & dance celebration was staged in the back yard of the Cracker Barrel in Norman.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 8:50 PM
  16. txhorn_et

    txhorn_et 2,500+ Posts

    That Geritol really gets you going!!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. Dionysus

    Dionysus Idoit Admin

    That is so brokelahoma!

    :clap: :clap: :clap:
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  18. Dionysus

    Dionysus Idoit Admin

    I made a thing

    • Funny Funny x 5
  19. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    ^^^ Try to imagine the number of tooths, ou: vs. Arky & LSU ???
    • Like Like x 1
  20. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

    I was genuinely worried someone was going to die at our celebration. It was massively overcrowded on the South Mall. Glad nothing bad happened. At 9pm I got the heck out of there. Really poor crowd management.
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  21. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Wow, tell us more about the celebration and being there!
  22. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

    People were having panic attacks. It was nuts. I left because it was super crowded. I wanted to see Pitbull but it was way too intense. I told some cops it seemed out of control but didn't stick around. Glad there were no headlines the next morning about stampedes.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  23. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    ^^^ Sounds wise for you to exit....
  24. nashhorn

    nashhorn 5,000+ Posts

    I had to leave early because heat was overcoming to wife. We intended on staying till fireworks but couldn’t make it past 6. Just too hot for the boss. Everything was great while we were there, watched the band and the ‘ladies’ march in preceding Bevo, who didn’t come in behind them which was kinda funny, but the whole thing was well done. I was surprised no kids jumped into the fountain area. For me the most outstanding occurrence was my getting to meet Bill Bradley. Ran into him completely by accident at Gregory Gym where we were trying to cool off (mistakenly thought there was an autograph session there). Remarkably nice guy who shares growing up in NE Texas with me. Anyway meeting a Longhorn hero like Bill made up for having to leave early for the wife.
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  25. UTSUgrad

    UTSUgrad 250+ Posts

    Once got physically tossed into Littlefield Fountain and of course walked around the south mall as a student and Texas Ex. Watching the SEC hoopla unexpectedly brought back those fond memories. The location of the ESPN set, with the trees, crowds and clear view of the tower always in the background, was lovely. No surprise that the tv folks gushed about being at Texas. Big thanks to the architects and planners who designed that space long before TV was a consideration. Perhaps I am being old and sentimental, but the setting was more proof to me that it is a university of the first class, no matter what conference we're in.

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  26. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    I can tell you I was there at about 3:30p and the gates to the south mall wasn't even opening until 5pm. At 3:30p it was already shoulder to shoulder in the six pack (do they still call it that?) and hot as hell so we split around 4pm because I knew once those gates opened people were going to really show up.

    The best part about being there at 3:30p there were former athletes everywhere. I didn't really recognize any of them, but you know a Texas athlete when you see one. :smile1:
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  27. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Hotter than blazes out at that time!!:fire::fire::fire:
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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2024 at 9:04 PM
  28. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Thank you both for representing HF.
    • Like Like x 1
  29. Texanne

    Texanne 5,000+ Posts

    I’m glad I didn’t go. It would have been fun, but I’m not roasting if there’s no actual game.
  30. nashhorn

    nashhorn 5,000+ Posts

    I worry about the same for the 2:30 game TxGrad.

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