
Just curious; has any one on this board suffered from an adverse reaction to the shot?

For me, Pfizer shot caused me to lose 60 pounds (45 in 6 weeks). along with other complications involving asthma & diet.
I caught covid about 3 weeks after getting the shot. Got sick more often than normal after that. Seems like I'm finally getting back to normal now. Wish I had refused to take it.
I got the original vaccine and a booster and I still got a bad case about 6 mos ago. It also seems like I haven't had as much energy. I worry about side effects all the time.
I took the Pfizer double shot back in 2021. I later had two boosters. I’ve had Covid twice. This year I got a flu.vaccine, but refused the Covid booster. I haven’t had any adverse effects from the vaccine.
One of my managers went through one of the vaccine trial studies back at the end of 2020. She then got a vaccination and has gotten the booster every single year since so a trial, vaccine and three boosters. This manager has contracted covid now three times.

This is the prime reason why I refuse to get that vaccine as well as the flu vaccine. Coronavirus and influenza strains have always been going around and always mutating. The vaccines give you virtually no real protection against anything but the one specific strain it was designed for. It's a crap shoot but people eat it up every single year.
This is the prime reason why I refuse to get that vaccine as well as the flu vaccine. Coronavirus and influenza strains have always been going around and always mutating. The vaccines give you virtually no real protection against anything but the one specific strain it was designed for. It's a crap shoot but people eat it up every single year.
Right there with you, brother.
One of my managers went through one of the vaccine trial studies back at the end of 2020. She then got a vaccination and has gotten the booster every single year since so a trial, vaccine and three boosters. This manager has contracted covid now three times.

This is the prime reason why I refuse to get that vaccine as well as the flu vaccine. Coronavirus and influenza strains have always been going around and always mutating. The vaccines give you virtually no real protection against anything but the one specific strain it was designed for. It's a crap shoot but people eat it up every single year.
Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, UTHSC, & what's left of that whorehouse known as MD Anderson studied me and a lady in San Antonio for the radical reactions we both had. My system was stronger than hers, and she was in ICU for three weeks.

We had two things in common: (1) we both have asthma; (2) neither of us has ever had a flu shot.
I had Covid before vaccine came out and it was minor for me. Then when listening to all the garbage about the vaccine and that natural antibodies didn’t exist anymore I decided no vaccine for me. I haven’t taken a flu vaccine in 30 years and haven’t had the flu. I will rely on my immune system rather than big pharma to destroy my health. Best decision I ever made.
Are we sure that isn't the Bee.
If not wonder how long Trump will consider it?:lol:
The hand-wringers are resting upon the lack of an extradition treaty. They fail to recognize that the lack of a treaty does not preclude one nation from making a request and another nation saying "ok."

Personally, offer him on a silver platter and even pay the cost of the flight. Then let some nefarious group know the flight plan. If some people do something, c'est la vie...

It's sad. So many institutions once thought to be trustworthy have blown their credibility - media, science, medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, and public health in general. And to be clear, it's not because they were wrong on so much. Nobody expected perfection. It's because they were so wrong when they claimed to be so right that they self-righteously demonized and stripped the rights of anyone who questioned them. That is what really hurts them.

And it's scary, because one day we'll have another pandemic. Public heath professionals will issue guidelines. Drug companies will develop vaccines and make claims about their safety and effectiveness. Journalists will cover them and communicate with the public. And whether they're right or wrong, about 70 percent of the public will summarily blow them off, because they won't have the credibility to be listened to.

We need the public to be able to generally trust its scientists, doctors, drug companies, and journalists to be honest. For that to happen, those institutions need to be completely overhauled. Those who lied need to be held accountable (civilly and where applicable, criminally) and lose not only their jobs but their reputations and careers.

And by the way, I'm going to wag my finger at you all again, because I've been saying this here for almost 20 years and usually with great resistance. Don't ever be stupid enough to let politicians sell or diminish your right to sue anyone ever again. If you could sue Pfizer or Moderna for vaccine injuries as easily as you could sue some poor schmuck who rear ends you on Mopac, things would be very different.

The Founding Fathers gave us the 7th Amendment for a reason. In Texas, men bled and died at the Alamo and Goliad for us to have the right to a trial by jury. Shame on us for every time we let our politicians sell or pi$$ on that right to appease greedy, dishonest people.
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It wasn't that they were "so wrong", but rather that they, along with a multitude of other healthcare entities, were/are absolute WHORES to big pharma, GE, & Seimens.

I expected it from any and all politicians, but not from the great institutions of healthcare, including the ones owned by our beloved University.

It wasn't that they were "so wrong", but rather that they, along with a multitude of other healthcare entities, were/are absolute WHORES to big pharma, GE, & Seimens.

I expected it from any and all politicians, but not from the great institutions of healthcare, including the ones owned by our beloved University.

Yep. It was a new virus, and these institutions were run by human beings. Mistakes were to be expected, and I think most would have been forgiving of some mistakes. It was the defiance, self-righteousness, and abuse of freedom that really blew their credibility.
The vaccine companies being exempt from lawsuits is one reason I did not take the shot
And I took hell from nearly everyone else for being "selfish" and called vile names.

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