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@nashhorn if you see this partial loading again can you get a screen shot of it on your phone and send it to me. I need to show an example of the issue to the support team. I will also be trying to reproduce the problem on my phone.

This is the first screen:
Not sure it shows full picture.
Oh no! I just went into ‘links’ to check schedule for a game time and see the selection of various sports and their schedule is no longer available!!!
Thanks mc, is it a new thing? I never got it before and while I do not brag about my wifi, in fact frequently complain, it has never tested poorly when I check upon this occurrence. But it did not happen last night and has not so far tonight either.
Thanks mc, is it a new thing? I never got it before and while I do not brag about my wifi, in fact frequently complain, it has never tested poorly when I check upon this occurrence. But it did not happen last night and has not so far tonight either.
I got it off and on the last few days. I just refresh and move on.
Mucho mucho thanks on the linking of the scheduling. I use it often to try and coordinate any games I can with the girls sports and football season.
Error requiring reload and refresh back with a vengeance. Last night and today happening every time I leave a topic.
On first refresh get a total left alignment for script. All topics appear but text is far left aligned. Goes away with subsequent refresh.
Error requiring reload and refresh back with a vengeance. Last night and today happening every time I leave a topic.
@nashhorn Can you do me a favor to help troubleshoot this issue?

Install the Firefox browser on your device. It’s an iPhone or Android?

The browser should not matter but for certain issues it definitely can.

I am not getting much help from Xenforo but I will keep trying. For what it’s worth I have never seen this error on my laptop, so it seems to be something specific to mobile.
Got a three yr old to accommodate but will try when I can. Do I have reinstall HF? Not the most literate IT guy here.
Hey Dion,

On the HF tailgate thread, I tried to get the attention of posters that committed and some on the fence, earlier today.

For example, I thought by naming them as:


Would get them alerted to respond. I did this to probably 25 posters, including me.

So far, zero have responded. In the past this technique worked to get a poster alerted. They may or may not respond to the alert, but they got the heads up alert.

Can you check on this when you have a chance?
Can you check on this when you have a chance?
@WorsterMan — I’m not sure what to check on if they are getting the alert but not responding.

I got the alert as a result of you entering my @ user name in your post above, so it’s working. Whether people respond to it is up to them, but it appears they are getting the alert.
@WorsterMan — I’m not sure what to check on if they are getting the alert but not responding.

I got the alert as a result of you entering my @ user name in your post above, so it’s working. Whether people respond to it is up to them, but it appears they are getting the alert.

OK, thanks for checking.... maybe people were slow to respond.
Dion, I just navigate to web site on safari.
Tried using Brave browser and same result. Suggested to me try moving address bar from bottom to top and worked last night but aggravation back today - on new browser and safari. It’s strange because upon first opening web site all seems fine but after a few back and forth to different threads or topics same issue comes up.
This is the second screen after hitting the ‘reload’ error in first showed you.


  • IMG_8920.png
    377.2 KB · Views: 49
The recent system upgrade changed a couple of settings in the Conversations (PMs) that I was not aware of. It set the maximum number of invitees to two (changed now to Unlimited) and it put a limit on the time you had to edit a Convo to 30 minutes (changed now to Unlimited).

Let me know if you see any other limitations that were not there before. Some of these things are not obvious until you run into them.
Last edited:
The recent system upgrade changed a couple of settings in the Conversations (PMs) that I was not aware of. It set the maximum number of invitees to two (changed now to Unlimited) and it put a limit on the time you had to edit a Convo to 30 minutes (changed now to Unlimited).

Let me know if you see any other limitations that were not there before. Some of these things are not obvious until you run into them.
Interesting. Was a setting switched that is preventing me from setting up a date with a French model? Would explain some things.
@nashhorn Xenforo’s response to my support ticket was not particularly helpful, they basically said try other browsers with all browser extensions disabled.

Maybe something else will give me a clue to a fix for this. I occasionally check the site in Safari and Brave on iOS and so far I am still not getting the page loading error.

edit: one last thing, if you have not tried this already: go into your phone's settings, go to Safari > Clear History and Website Data ... and clear ALL history.

You will then have to log back into Hornfans and any other site you were signed into.
Had to reload when loaded/used brave so needed to log in on that occasion. As reported it worked perfectly for first few minutes then got the reload error. FWIW I got the error immediately today. But after numerous reload/refresh is working. When error occurs over and over I quit.
@nashhorn I got the page loading error yesterday while testing on my iPhone and iPad.

I have gone back to my support ticket with Xenforo to see if there is someone else there that can give me a useful response on this issue.

Right now I am testing on iPad with the Firefox browser and it is loading ok so far. Could you try Firefox on your phone and see if that helps in the short term?
Ok, will do in next few days. Error is still occurring but reload/refresh seems to correct better than the troublesome times. It is a nuisance now but no longer a pull your hair out issue.
Firefox was a pain a few years ago when I first tried it but I am sure it is better now,
Anything changed on the response emoji? When I try and respond it only posts the ‘like’ emoji - the hand gesture. I get no other or any other option it automatically posts the hand. Bummer

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