Favorite Grandparent Stories


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My parents became grandparents when my teen-age little brother and his teen wife brought a child into the world. Initial disappointment in an unplanned pregnancy gave way to family-wide joy with the infancy of a beautiful, happy, precocious little girl. The child came to my parents house almost every weekend while the teen parents did teen age activities. However one weekend the child didn't show. My mother, mad as hell, saw my little brother drive by, got in her Cadillac, pulled him over and demanded to know what was up....

Shaken ... he said, "Mom... we can't leave her with you ... you just won't discipline her."

Still enraged my mother promised: "If that little girl EVER does anything wrong, I WILL discipline her."
My favorite grandparent story takes place June 23, 2019.....that is the day MY beautiful granddaughter (my 1st) came into our lives

I looked at my daughter and said, "Well you know what this means right?" she replied, "what dad?" I said "You used to be my favorite, your not anymore...."
My favorite grandparent story takes place June 23, 2019.....that is the day MY beautiful granddaughter (my 1st) came into our lives

I looked at my daughter and said, "Well you know what this means right?" she replied, "what dad?" I said "You used to be my favorite, your not anymore...."
My mom told me something similar when we had our first. She said you’re no longer my son, you’re just the dad to my granddaughter now. I’m good with that. :smile1:
None of our kids have blessed my wife and I with a grandchild. So, I took matters into my own hands and made my own. I have a daughter who turned 9 years old in September. (I'm 67 and my wife is 42, now)

My original quote about grandchildren

"Grandchildren are God's gift to us for not killing our kids when they were that age"
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My grandfather was born in 1902. He told us the first time he saw a car was around 1915 when he was playing with friends by an old country road. He went over to a tree broke off a switch and started whipping himself. His friends ran over asking him what was going on. He said that he was so upset he wasn't in that car he didn't know what else to do but whip himself.
None of our kids have blessed my wife and I with a grandchild. So, I took matters into my own hands and made my own. I have a daughter who turned 9 years old in September. (I'm 67 and my wife is 42, now)

Man, I couldn't do that. With grandkids you can give them back and go home for the night. I don't have the energy to keep up with a 9 year old full time these days. I'm a bit jealous you have that stamina. Good for you!
My wife's 37yo son (not mine) is living with us. Single parent of a perfect 4 yr old girl (MY grand daughter). She's hard on us seniors but we wouldn't trade her for anything.

If I could just find a way to get rid of her daddy....
Not a story but a recent photo of my grandsons I can’t help but post here.

3.5 year old and his 4 month old brother. My heart!

Really, Dion!

You don't warn anyone, and now a huge number of posters have their allergies acting up. A little decorum please. (1) A warning; (2) a free sampling of Kleenex.

Great photo, Boss
About 1920 my grandparents moved from Washington state to the LA area. They were looking at some land to operate a trailer park and had settled on one of two properties. They did not pick one because grandmother didn’t like walking up the hill. Turns out it was Signal Hill!

Long Beach Oil Field - Wikipedia
I only had the pleasure to met one grandparent, my grandmother (dads side). You guys are lucky. I’m a granddad one year and 3 months ago, and just got notified of another on the way. Man I love that little girl…dream about her all the time.
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Once again, feel free to use my quote as your own:

"Grandchildren are God's gift to us for not killing our kids when they were that age".
What makes it even more amazing is my granddaughter is a carbon copy of my daughter. It’s like getting a second go around. (This is where I would insert a heart emoji if there was one)

Scariest part for me is that my grandson is exactly like I was at that age. I'm trying everything I can to change that.
I’m a granddad one year and 3 months ago, and just got notified of another on the way. Man I love that little girl…dream about her all the time.
Enjoy 'em while they're young - they grow up too quickly. My older granddaughter is a senior in college, my younger granddaughter is a junior in high school, and my grandson is a freshman in high school. Seems like just a few days ago that I was giving them a bottle! "Time flies when you're having fun" - or as Kermit the Frog would say, "Time's fun when you're having flies!" :)
We have two grown sons, one is 30 now and works in Sports broadcasting at KRLD in Dallas, another is 21 and doing his 2nd tour in the Marine Corps after seeing combat in Afghanistan, and our daughter is 9 and just started school this week in the 6th grade at ASU Prep. Never a dull moment around our place. But, still waiting for the older two to produce a grand kid or two.
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My daughter experienced bleeding this weekend. Please find it in your heart to pray for her and the baby. Will know tomorrow. Thanks

Done. Please keep us posted. Went through it with my ex when she was expecting my daughter. She was confined to bed from January until mid May. Daughter was 6 weeks, five days early, ICU for a few weeks, but perfectly healthy and the mother of my grandson. Call if oyu have any questions.

Done. Please keep us posted. Went through it with my ex when she was expecting my daughter. She was confined to bed from January until mid May. Daughter was 6 weeks, five days early, ICU for a few weeks, but perfectly healthy and the mother of my grandson. Call if oyu have any questions.
Thanks, I appreciate you tremendously. I'll call you when I hear something.
Thanks fellas. Daughter and SIL are in with doctor as I type. She’s a strong lady and will be okay either way. She told me this morning she’s glad no sonogram pic yet. That would have made it excruciating. Still hope, though unlikely.
Daughter called. It’s a miscarriage. It was so early in the life cycle that daughter needs no surgery or much else. She’s good, we’re good. Nice to have good people to reach out to. LC gotta a lot of love you (mostly) faceless friends. :hookem:

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